Renovated school library holds open house on reunion day

NEW YORK - As part of the 50th anniversary celebration of the School of Ukrainian Studies, Self Reliance Association in New York held an open house at the school's newly renovated library on Saturday morning, October 2, during school hours.

Visitors to the library included New Yorkers as well as out-of-town guests who had come to New York to attend the school's 50th anniversary banquet and ball held after that day at the Ukrainian National Home in New York. Among the visitors were New Yorkers Lydia Krushelnytsky, Myroslaw and Luba Prokop, and Mykola Haliv of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in New York.

Out-of-town visitors included Myroslava Wyshywany, wife of the late Dr. Wasyl Wyshywany, director of the school in 1958-1962, and his daughter Tamara Wyshywany-Cannon, South Carolina; Bohdan and Ruta Korolyshyn of Yorktown, Va.; Nancy Lambert, retired head of the art and architecture library at Yale University; and others.

Guests were greeted by the school's director, Olha Kekish, and librarian, Yuri Yanchyshyn. As the guests enjoyed refreshments, they were able to observe librarian-assistant Natalia Hrabovsky working with the classes of children who arrived in the library to return books and borrow new ones.

The library/school office bustled with activity as teachers stopped in between classes, and as parents dropped by to visit the new library. Visitors could also see the newly acquired iMac computer being used to prepare Ukrainian-language materials for distribution at the 50th anniversary banquet that evening.

- Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 24, 1999, No. 43, Vol. LXVII

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