About that decree purportedly issued...

Dear Editor:

Regarding President Leonid Kuchma's edict on languages and the Ukrainian World Congress's appeal to the president published in The Ukrainian Weekly, (August 22). I have made extensive enquiries in Kyiv among those who follow Ukrainian legislation. They state that President Kuchma did not issue any decrees allowing students to pass their exams in Russian. There is only a draft decree that has not been signed. This draft could be used as an inducement by the Kuchma team to obtain votes among Russian-speakers. At the same time, Kuchma said recently that the state language can only be Ukrainian and by not issuing the decree into the public domain, he can always argue that this was always a "myth." No such edict was ever published in the government newspaper, Uriadovyi Kurier, or the parliamentary newspaper, Holos Ukrainy.

Dr. Taras Kuzio

The writer is honorary visiting research fellow at the Ukraine Center of the University of North London.

Thanks for sustaining a good newspaper

Dear Editor:

Just last week I sent a letter to you commending you and your staff for your efforts to sustain a good newspaper. Unfortunately I did not have the information that I needed to send a check supporting The Ukrainian Weekly to back up my commendation.

I assume you folks are truly dedicated to the cause of the paper and are making a personal sacrifice to sustain it. Therefore, I owe you a debt of gratitude by supporting it monetarily and helping you sustain it.

The national process of assimilation is real. We can't avoid it. Yet, we can remember our Ukrainian heritage at least by writing and talking about, it even if we think it is falling on deaf ears.

So, thanks again for your work to sustain the publication of The Ukrainian Weekly.

Joseph Jackson
Murray Hill, N.J.

The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed (double-spaced) and signed; they must be originals, not photocopies.

The daytime phone number and address of the letter-writer must be given for verification purposes.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 31, 1999, No. 44, Vol. LXVII

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