Ukrainian Canadians support Assadourian bill

CALGARY - Canada's Ukrainian community has welcomed an announcement by MP Sarkis Assadourian (Liberal, Brampton Center) confirming that Bill C-224 (formerly Bill C-479) has been reintroduced in the House of Commons. This Private Member's Bill would mandate the establishment of a permanent exhibit in the Canadian Museum of Civilization, in Ottawa, dealing with crimes against humanity and war crimes perpetrated during the 20th century.

Canadians representing a variety of Canadian ethnocultural, religious and racial communities, have endorsed Mr. Assadourian's efforts to create an inclusive Genocide Museum in the national capital region. The bill will now move to the Subcommittee on Private Member's Business of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

Commenting, J. B. Gregorovich, chairman of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and chair of the ad-hoc multicultural group known as Canadians for a Genocide Museum, said:

"Mr. Assadourian has been at the forefront of efforts in the House of Commons aimed at ensuring that any publicly funded exhibit or museum dealing with war crimes, crimes against humanity and other acts of genocide and mass murder will be inclusive, recalling the many millions of people who fell victim to tyranny and oppression in the 20th century, not only in Europe but in Asia, Africa, Latin America and elsewhere. We enthusiastically support Mr. Assadourian's proposal not only because of its inclusive nature but because, as Canadians of Ukrainian heritage or origin, we are very acutely aware of the horrors that befell Ukraine's people under Soviet and Nazi occupation. Millions of Ukrainians were murdered in Europe in this century. Hallowing their memory is, for us, as important as recalling that many millions of other people of different ethnic, religious or racial backgrounds also perished around the world in this century and before. Mr. Assadourian's statement that 'the suffering of any victim is not less significant than that of any other' is exactly on point. We urge all MPs to support his proposal in the House of Commons."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 7, 1999, No. 45, Vol. LXVII

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