Ukrainian American Veterans hold 52nd convention in Chicago

by Mike Demczuk

CHICAGO - The 52nd annual national convention of the Ukrainian American Veterans was held on September 24-25. The host for this convention was UAV Post 32 of Chicago.

The Ukrainian American Military Association (UAMA) held its fourth annual conference concurrently. All the meetings and the banquet were held at the Chicago Marriot O'Hare Hotel.

The convention was convened on Friday, September 24, following routine meeting procedure with the "Pledge of Allegence," the "UAV Prayer" and 30 seconds of silence for departed comrades. National Commander Steven Szewczuk made an opening statement. After the roll was called, consisting of national executive board members, past national commanders and post representatives, it was determined that a quorum was present.

In his report, National Commander Szewczuk announced the formation of two new posts, one in North Port, Fla., and another in Yonkers, N.Y. He noted that the reactivization of Post 29 in Washington had been placed on hold due to the military responsibilities of its members abroad, and focused on the possibility of new posts in the Allentown/Bethlehem, Pa., area, North Carolina and Rochester, N.Y.

He also spoke of the success of the national lottery that is earmarked for monetary support of the National Charter for the UAV. National Commander Szewczuk also reported about work on the National Charter itself, as well as meetings with congressmen and Vice-President Al Gore with respect to getting support for a bill to support the UAV National Charter.

He noted also that the UAV's newsletter, The Tribune, had been published four times in the past two years.

Other members of the national executive board presented reports detailing yearlong activities as they pertained to their respective positions. Post reports were requested in writing and are to be attached to the convention minutes when they are printed. However, Post 32, as the hosting post, was given the honor of delivering its report to the convention. Maj. Roman Golash (USAR) thanked his committee members for their hard work in putting on the convention, as they are a new post and had not attended many previous conventions.

He spoke also of the post's plans for the following afternoon, namely the meetings planned by the Ukrainian American Military Association; of joint ventures with Ukraine; and the problems incurred when Russian interpreters are used instead of Ukrainians in bilateral programs involving the United States and Ukraine. He noted that the various groups involved would give presentations and perspectives on recent missions to Ukraine, and expressed hope that everyone present would enjoy their stay and find the meetings informative.

The representatives to the convention then broke up into assigned committees. Much of the committee work pertained to the National Charter, funding for this project, and letters to be prepared to legislators and the community for support of the bill to be presented to Congress. An all-out effort is to be made this year to secure a National Charter for the UAV, which would ensure that special recognition is extended to veterans of Ukrainian ancestry who served in the U.S. armed forces.

The following were elected to the new national executive board of the Ukrainian American Veterans: Mr. Szewczuk, Post 27, national commander; Mathew Koziak, Post 27; vice-commander; Peter Polnyj, Post 27, adjutant; Wasyl Liscynesky, Post 24, finance officer; Miroslaus Malaniak, Post 23, judge advocate; Myron Skorupa, Post 101, quartermaster; Myroslaw Pryjma, Post 101, chaplain/service officer; Bohdan Samokyszyn, Post 24, welfare officer; Harold Bochonko, Post 7, scholarship officer; Vasyl Luchkiw, Post 19, historian; and Michael Demchuk, Post 24, publicity/publications officer.

After a short acceptance speech in which the national commander stressed the need for veterans' continued support for the national charter and all funding planned, a luncheon was held for the executive board with Maj. Gen. Nicholas Krawciw, U.S. Army (ret.), former commander of the 3rd Infantry Division (1987-1989).

The newly elected members of the 1999-2000 national executive board of the Ukrainian American Veterans and the newly elected members of the Ladies Auxiliary board were sworn in during the banquet that evening. The keynote speaker at the banquet was Maj. Gen. Krawciw.

Mr. Demchuk, the scholarship chairman for 1999, announced the recipients of the UAV's 1999 scholarships: a $500 scholarship was awarded to Nicholas Hisczak of North Royalton, Ohio, attending Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland; the $300 Rosalie Polche Scholarship Award went to Danielle Buchma, of Hanover, Pa., attending The American University in Washington; and $200 awards were designated for Michelle Bycko of Parma, Ohio, attending Cleveland State University, and Andrea Bonanno of Running Spring, Calif., attending the University of San Diego.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 14, 1999, No. 46, Vol. LXVII

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