Quotable notes

"When I'm elected president of Ukraine, I will hold an all-Ukrainian referendum on some key issues, namely the state language and national symbols."

- Petro Symonenko, the Communist Party leader, as quoted by the UNIAN news agency on November 10.

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"Today Ukraine has been drawn into the Baltic-Black Sea [alignment]. Do we not realize that by this, they tear away our Slavic unity, ruin our common spiritual heritage, destroy our Orthodoxy? And I, a Communist, [have to] struggle to defend the canonical Orthodoxy in Ukraine."

- Petro Symonenko in a November 11 interview with "Vremya MN," as reported by RFE/RL Poland, Belarus andUkraine Report.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 5, 1999, No. 49, Vol. LXVII

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