Voloshky to sing on CBC

SASKATOON - Voloshky, this city's well-known Ukrainian vocal trio, may be heard singing Ukrainian Christmas carols on a CBC radio program to be broadcast across Canada on Wednesday, December 22, at 3 p.m. on the English network and at 11 p.m. on Friday, December 24, on the French network.

This is the second consecutive year that Voloshky have been asked to represent the Ukrainian culture in the annual multicultural celebration of Christmas music, whose proceeds go for the benefit of the Children's Wish Foundation.

This year's concert, titled "Waiting for the Star," featured 50 musicians and vocalists representing some of Saskatchewan's finest musical talent. Voloshky performed a total of four carols, including a seldom heard composition of "Boh Predvichny." The concert program was recorded in front of a live audience on Thursday, November 25, at Knox Metropolitan Church in Regina, Sask.

The program was produced by Michel Lalonde of CBC French Radio and was led by Colin Grewar, English-language commentator, and Francis Marchildon, French-language commentator.

Additional broadcasts of this program may be heard in Saskatchewan only on December 25 at 6 p.m. on CBC-AM radio on both the English and French stations, on December 26 at noon on CBC-FM radio, on December 24 at 4 p.m. on French radio.

Last year's concert, in which Voloshky also performed, is now available on CD under the title "Waiting for the Star." Copies of the CD may be obtained through the Children's Wish Foundation, which also receives all sale proceeds. The Children's Wish Foundation may be reached at (306) 955-0511 in Saskatoon or toll free at 1-800-267-9474. For information contact Al Kachkowski, (306) 374-7675.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 12, 1999, No. 50, Vol. LXVII

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