Appeal to Ukrainian American community

Dear Benefactors and Supporters
of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee:

The executives of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee warmly and sincerely greet you and your families with the birth of Christ. We wish all of you - people of good will - health, strength and prosperity in the new year 2000!

We are grateful for your understanding of the need for our organization's work, as well as for your generosity, especially now, when the financial crisis in Ukraine continues.

We would like to share with you the successes of our multi-faceted work, namely, our accomplishments in transfering donations to relief efforts in the aftermath of severe floods in Zakarpattia, both in Ukraine and in parts of Romania. Our organization was able to raise and contribute $71,988 to those in need as a result of this natural disaster.

We were also able to provide financial assistance to the familes of deceased or injured miners after a devastating coal mine accident in the Donetsk Oblast. In addition, we were able to expand our role in providing glasses to orphaned children who have vision problems.

We gave children from orphanages in the eastern Oblasts of Ukraine an opportunity to celebrate Christmas and Easter in cities of Galicia so that they might become familiarized with our traditional customs. And, during the summer, children from orphanages and from children's homes were given a chance to attend camps in Ochakoba and sanatoriums in Kremenets.

We have also sent hundreds of relief packages to children's homes, charitable foundations, as well as to new Ukrainian Greek-Catholic and Orthodox churches in eastern Ukraine. We are also continuing our monthly financial aid to sick and struggling Ukrainian writers; these are people who are somehow physically incapacitated, sick or impaired, but maintain a strong spirit and uncompromising patriotism.

We have recently embarked on a new project called "Babusia i Didus" (Gradma and Grandpa): a $15 monthly donation can help an ill and helpless elderly countryman or woman who suffered in exile or served with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

Thus, we ask for and encourage your support of these efforts. We hope that you will open your hearts to our unfortunate brothers and sisters in Ukraine with donations to the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee's traditional "koliadia,"

Christ is Born! - Praise Him!

- Executive Committee of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 16, 2000, No. 3, Vol. LXVIII

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