Quotable notes

"I think that the only way the society moves forward is to have a full accounting of its past, including its bad past. The Armenian Genocide is a fact ... and I think that history is best served by acknowledging what is a fact. ... I had one experience with this in the past, and that was with the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s, which the Soviet Union denied, and we established a study group, a commission, to look into it and in the mid-'80s we revealed a lot of facts that had not come to light before and therefore nailed it as being an event in history that has to be dealt with. That is the same attitude I have toward the Armenian Genocide."

- Bill Bradley candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, responding on November 29, 1999, in Derry, N.H., to an audience member's comments about the Armenian Genocide (cited in a press release from the Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council).

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" ... we must not forget our past of systematic destruction of human beings. Be it at the hands of those who would murder millions during World War II under Nazi leadership. Or, be it the systematic starvation of 6 million people in Ukraine under Russian Communism. Or, be it tribal peoples of Africa starved and murdered bypower - hungry war lords. All of these people deserved to have their right to life protected and honored."

- Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, speaking on January 23, on the eve of the pro-life March for Life in Washington, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (quoted in The Way, a Ukrainian Catholic biweekly published in Philadelphia).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 27, 2000, No. 9, Vol. LXVIII

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