The Hollywood Trident Group attracts international interest and membership

LOS ANGELES - The Hollywood Trident Group went international as members from Canada and Ukraine traveled to Los Angeles for the Trident Group's second meeting on February 2. Film star Hryhorii Hladii flew from Kyiv where he is finishing filming Oles Yanchuk's film about Taras Shukhevych. Michael Sulyma, producer of the Kyiv Ballet and the National Opera's tours of North America, came from Canada as did Tele Ukraine producer Taras Hukalo and community activist and fund-raiser Bill Pidruchney.

The 38 people attending included screen writer-directors Paul Bojack and James Makichuk, University of Southern California (USC) film professor Paul Wolansky, media advertising buyer Nadia Pidhajecky and Internet webmaster Misho Stawnychy.

The after-dinner discussion developed a strong consensus supporting the Hollywood Trident Group's goals. Many speakers expressed their thanks for bringing together individuals who share two traits: namely, an interest in Ukrainian matters and an involvement in the entertainment industry.

Mr. Hladiy paid special tribute to genocide survivor and author Eugenia Dallas as both poignantly remembered the horrors of the Great Famine of 1932-1933 which Mr. Hladiy indicated have not yet been fully drawn to the attention of the world stage.

Among the many ideas offered that gained support are the creation of a Ukrainian Film Institute at USC/University of California at Los Angeles and the organization of a Ukrainian Film Festival in Hollywood and Kyiv. Andriy Semotiuk read from the many letters and e-mails the Hollywood Trident Group has received with offers of support and great ideas. The audience was generally surprised to learn just how many prominent Ukrainians are in the entertainment business, including singer Michael Bolton, actor John Spencer, currently appearing on "West Wing," George Dzundza of "Law and Order" fame, actor Robert Ulrich, singer Chantel Krevaziuk, actress Mila Kunis and many others.

After dinner, Academy Award winner Jack Palance, who has made well over 100 movies, stole the show with some wonderfully warm and funny recollections of Marilyn Monroe's early experiences with famed acting coach Michael Chekov.

The busy evening also introduced the Hollywood Trident Group's board of directors and executive committee. Jack Palance is the chairman emeritus of the board. Andriy Semotiuk is president. Other officers are: Peter Borisow, first vice-president; Luba Keske, second vice-president; Nestor Balaban, treasurer; Paul Wolansky, secretary archivist; and Leon Kaspersky, publicity rep.

The Hollywood Trident Group was formed at a meeting in Los Angeles on December 7, 1999. The operational agenda of the group is fourfold.

Membership in the Hollywood Trident Group is open to professionals in the film, entertainment and media industries. Associate membership is open to anyone who supports the group's goals. The cost of membership is $20 and membership applications may be obtained from Mr. Semotiuk at the e-mail address or fax number below.

The next meeting of the Hollywood Trident Group will be held on Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m., probably at the UCLA Faculty Club. Interested parties should contact Mr. Semotiuk at Manning & Marder, Attorneys at Law, 45th Floor, 707 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017; telephone, (213) 624-6900; fax, (213) 624-6999; e-mail, [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 5, 2000, No. 10, Vol. LXVIII

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