Selezinka to lead seventh mission of eye specialists to Ukraine

SAN DIEGO - For the seventh time since 1992, Dr. William Selezinka will be leading a team of eye specialists to the city eye clinic in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, to continue surgical intervention in numerous cases of congenital cataracts and strabismus, as well as treatment of glaucoma to restore vision.

Last year, 111 surgeries were done.

Congenital cataracts must be treated as early as a few months of age if the eye is to develop useful vision. Strabismus should be treated early, preferrably before age 5 or 6 (depending on when it appears) to prevent amblyopia ("lazy eye").

This year, in June-July the specialists will also be offering a special glaucoma course with hands-on practice for several Ukrainian physicians with the hope that they will transfer their skills to other Ukrainian doctors. To this end, the team requires special apparatus, such as a visual field analyzer and special intraocular pressure measuring devices. A sum of $30,000 is needed to acquire the equipment. In this way, the team hopes to prevent or decrease the incidence of patients going blind.

This is only our second national appeal. Last year's funds were spent entirely on the diode laser, instruments and medical supplies.

To support the "Ukrainian Eye Project" readers may send funds to: California Association to Aid Ukraine (CAAU), 5325 Teasdale Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91607; or directly to: Dr. William Selezinka, 12176 Sand Trap Row, San Diego, CA 92128.

Donations are fully tax-deductible under CAAU's IRS No. 95-4352938.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 5, 2000, No. 10, Vol. LXVIII

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