Khoma and Vynnytsky invited to perform in Japanese program

NEW YORK - Cellist Natalia Khoma and pianist Volodymyr Vynnytsky will perform before an invited audience at Steinway Hall in a concert to be broadcast next year in Japan as part of Japan's "Classical Hour" television program. The concert program will feature the works of Schumann, Brahms, Cassadó and Granados.

The duo, natives of Lviv who both studied at the Moscow Conservatory, are among the 12 artists who will be featured in the televised concert series.

Ms. Khoma has distinguished herself as a recitalist and soloist with leading ensembles and orchestras around the world since winning top prizes at the Budapest Pablo Casals Competition, the Markneukirchen and the Tchaikovsky international competitions, as well as the Belgrade International Cello Competition.

A laureate of the Margueritte Long-Jacques Thibaud Piano Competition in Paris and the Distinguished Artists Award in New York, Mr. Vynnytsky has played recitals and with orchestras in Europe and the United States. He has earned a reputation as a brilliant chamber music performer and is known for his collaboration with many distinguished artists.

The concert is produced by Julia Kedersha Artists Management with D'Alessio Media; it will be filmed by NHK Satellite TV.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 12, 2000, No. 11, Vol. LXVIII

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