St. George School holds fund-raising dance

School needs to raise $50,000 by end of March to stay open

by Sonia Szereg-Lechicky

NEW YORK - Early on Saturday, February 26, there was more activity than usual at St. George Ukrainian Catholic School in New York. In addition to the children who usually attend the Selfreliance Ukrainian School on Saturday mornings, a flurry of parents descended upon the building, preparing it for the Sweetheart Dance being held that evening as a fund-raiser to save St. George School.

By evening, the typically unremarkable gym and cafeteria had been transformed into an appropriately warm and romantic setting.

Guests walked down corridors lined with colorful posters - many of them quite creative - prepared by the grammar school classes. A flower-bedecked double arch led them to the gym, where Oksana Ivasiw's kindergarten class had prepared two long banners, one of them in Ukrainian: "Have you left your humor and laughter at home? Here you will find a bagful!" Red-draped tables festooned with balloons and icicle lights strung along the windows completed the effect. Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, zealous mothers waited with platters of tasty snacks and homemade sweets for hungry party-goers.

The "zabava" began at 7 p.m. - an earlier time than usual in response to the wishes of parents who wanted to bring their children to a Ukrainian dance. The presence of schoolchildren dressed in their Sunday best definitely lent a different feel to this dance, which was a true "family event" reminiscent of the Ukrainian weddings that children of this writer's generation (never mind what year) often attended, but from which today's children are often excluded. The youngsters definitely had a wonderful time.

A large group composed mostly of 11th graders originally came to manage the coat-room. After they cheerfully and courteously dispatched their duties early in the evening, they joined the zabava. For people who lament the fact that "youngsters today can't dance," watching them was an eye-opener. During the course of the evening, the band played no fewer than three "kolomyiky" to keep these students happy! It was truly a pleasure to watch these young people, all of them originally from Ukraine, enjoying themselves in such a wholesome way. Equally pleasurable was observing their clear affection for Daria Genza, the dance instructor at St. George for too many years to count, as she encouraged them to try new steps and formations during yet another "kolomyika."

The Parents' Committee expressed its thanks to everybody, parents and students alike, who contributed to the preparations for this happy evening. Likewise, the committee thanked the school for finally opening its doors to a parent-sponsored activity.

It should also be noted that Stepan Kaczurak and the members of his band, Legenda, several of whom are alumni of St. George, as is Oksana Charuk-Bodnar, their soloist for the evening, donated their fee to their alma mater - which makes them among the first members of the "Millennium Circle" in the St. George Donors' Club.

Despite the dance's success and the generosity of the evening, guests who presented contributions during the evening, much work remains to save St. George. An announcement was made that in a recent letter the Basilian Order has challenged the Parents' Committee to raise $50,000 by the end of March in order to decide the issue of whether the school is to remain open after June.

Taking into account the dance and the latest contributions, the committee has raised $20,000 since December. To meet the stated goal, a Donors' Club has been inaugurated, with the following tiers of donations: Angels Circle - $10,000 and over; Crusaders - $5,000 and over; Knights of St. George - $2,500 and over; Millennium Circle - $1,000 and over; Patrons - $750 - $999; Benefactors - $500 - $749; Sponsors - $250 - $499; Green and Gold Circle - $100 - $249; Friends of St. George - all other gifts.

Anyone wishing to make a contribution should make a check payable to St. George School Parents' Committee and mail it to 112 Fourth Ave., New York, NY 10003; or deposit it at Self-Reliance (NY) Federal Credit Union (Account 11043001).

The fate of the school hinges heavily on the amount of money raised by the end of March. In the event of a closing despite the committee's efforts, all contributions to this cause will be returned to traceable donors; proceeds from general fund-raisers, such as the Christmas tree sale and the zabava, will be forwarded to a Ukrainian children's charity.

The committee's next major event is a walkaton for students to be held in Central Park on March 25. The next general meeting of the Parents' Committee will be held on March 27, at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria.

The committee has asked St. George alumni and the Ukrainian community for a clear demonstration of support for the school in order to keep it open.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 19, 2000, No. 12, Vol. LXVIII

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