Ukrainian Free University awards honorary Ph.D. to parliamentarian

MUNICH - The Ukrainian Free University on March 1 awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Hans Gerhart Stockinger, member of the Bavarian Parliament. The text of the nomination, read in Latin by the sponsor of the recipient, Prof. Richard Brunner, stressed Dr. Stockinger's numerous scholarly and political achievements and his service to the Ukrainian Free University.

In his acceptance speech, Prof. Stockinger graciously praised the recent reforms of the university, expressed grant satisfaction about its work and offered concrete advice regarding its future activities.

He discussed the role of the UFU as a mediator between German and Ukrainian universities and as a significant factor in the continued integration process of the Ukrainian republic into the European community.

In his concluding remarks Prof. Leonid Rudnytzky, rector of the UFU, thanked the honoree for his past efforts on behalf of the UFU and voiced his satisfaction regarding the confidence expressed by the Bavarian authorities in its work. A reception in honor of Dr. Stockinger followed the official program.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 2, 2000, No. 14, Vol. LXVIII

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