New York governor's Easter greetings to Ukrainian American community

On behalf of Lt. Gov. Mary Donohue, my wife Libby and myself, I offer best wishes to the entire Ukrainian American community for a Happy Easter.

New York is home to people of many denominations of faiths who put their trust in one common God. For these fine men and women of good character, Easter is a particularly meaningful time of rebirth that brings about fond memories of home, childhood and family. New Yorkers' efforts to teach their children the traditions of faith that have been passed down from generation to generation are particularly encouraging. Indeed children are our greatest asset, and the sense of optimism prevalent every year at Easter makes a lasting contribution to the catalogue of experiences that help boys and girls grow into productive members of society.

At the forefront of activities held in celebration of Easter are the state's religious institutions, many of which have intimate ties to ethnic groups that make New York strong and contribute to a culture we proudly call American. So many New Yorkers trace their roots to regions where religion is treasured alongside an existing or newly achieved right to self-determination. Many, in fact, arrived as new immigrants from places where the freedom to practice one's religion was an elusive dream. These pioneers established houses of worship which now serve as cornerstones of entire communities. Religious institutions, especially their clergy, and lay men and women, merit our thanks and admiration.

During this time of renewal and deliverance from wrongdoing, as we strive to greater heights as families, communities and a nation, I want to offer all citizens my sincerest hopes for an enjoyable Easter holiday. May the foresight, strength and faith of the state's earliest immigrants be alive in our children, and may the timeless truths found in the Bible help us grow ever stronger in this new millennium.

George Pataki
Governor of New York

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 30, 2000, No. 18, Vol. LXVIII

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