Hollywood group emerges as network with clearer purpose

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - After months of discussion and debate over its mission and goals, the Hollywood Trident Group has emerged with a clearer focus as the new "Hollywood Trident Network." The new body will concentrate on networking and creating opportunities for members to better get to know each other. Formerly stated goals which duplicated the work of other organizations in the Ukrainian community have been jettisoned in favor of a much trimmer, leaner mandate.

Andriy Semotiuk, the network's president said, "We found we could not be all things to all people. By focusing on networking and relationships in the entertainment industry, the network will hopefully become an incubator for various projects that members and others may undertake." Mr. Semotiuk added, "Our role will be to introduce people and help them get together with others interested in the same media areas."

The meeting also had the opportunity to hear the views of Natalie Hirniak who is an assistant curator of film at the Museum of Modern Art. Apart from describing her important work with the museum, Ms. Hirniak encouraged the group not to forget about the great treasures of Ukrainian cinema and to encourage the growth of an avant guard Ukrainian cinema in Ukraine. Ms. Hirniak also commented that there are Ukrainian film makers in the New York area who are interested in working with the Hollywood Trident Network.

Following her comments members of the network expressed an interest in traveling to New York to meet up with local individuals in the field of entertainment to try to set up a working relationship.

Anyone interested in getting involved in the network should contact Andriy Semotiuk, c/o Law Firm of Manning & Marder, 707 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017; e-mail, [email protected], telephone, (213) 624-6900; fax at (213) 624-6999. The Hollywood Trident Network's e-mail address is [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 30, 2000, No. 18, Vol. LXVIII

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