A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Young Ukrainian Catholics plan August pilgrimage to Rome

by Kvitka Thompson

STAMFORD, Conn. - Among the numerous activities celebrating the Jubilee Year 2000, special emphasis has been placed upon celebrations for youth. Throughout the world Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants are organizing youth summer camps, pilgrimages, youth days, concerts and days of prayer focused on giving young believers a special place among the events of the Jubilee Year.

In his "Message to the Youth of the World," Pope John Paul II wrote: "Fifteen years ago ... I entrusted to you [youth of the world] a great wooden cross, asking you to carry it across the world as a sign of the love which the Lord Jesus has for mankind ... After spanning the continents, that cross now returns to Rome, bringing with it the commitment of millions of young people ... I invite you, therefore, to undertake with joy the pilgrimage to Rome for this important ecclesial appointment ... the Youth Jubilee."

To coincide with the 15th World Youth Day and the returning of the cross, the Ukrainian Catholic Church is organizing young people to travel to Rome for the celebrations on August 15-20. Youth trips are being organized from Ukraine, as well as all from the countries of the diaspora. From North America chartered planes will bring youth delegations to Rome, while in Ukraine, organizers are negotiating with government officials for a special "chartered" train to transport the young pilgrims.

Youth from the town of Stryi in western Ukraine have organized a walking pilgrimage to Rome. Thirty young people are scheduled to leave Stryi by foot on May 10 - walking the entire distance to Rome. Their organizer, the Rev. Ivan Barabash, has estimated that it will take the young pilgrims 120 days to walk to Rome.

The program in Rome includes events in which all Catholic youth from around the world will participate, as well as an additional program for Ukrainian Catholic youth. Among the events will be a conference on August 15 - for which about 2,000 participants are expected - that will discuss the role and responsibilities of young people in the life of the Ukrainian Catholic Church at the beginning of the third millennium, as well a discussion of the teachings of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky and Patriarch Josyf Slipyj.

For further information about traveling to Rome with the youth delegation, please contact the Rev. Ihor Midzak of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, Conn., at (203) 324- 7698.

A Ukrainian Summer

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 7, 2000, No. 19, Vol. LXVIII

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