A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

A camper's experience: great fun

by Cathy Bucharew

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Ukrainian Orthodox Church School Camp has been a great experience for me. When I look back at the memories of camp, many different activities come to mind.

In the morning, there are three classes: Ukrainian dance, Ukrainian language and Orthodox religion class. Before the classes, we have warm-ups and exercises to get us ready for the new day.

At camp you can play sports: volleyball, tennis, kickball, soccer, football, basketball and more. To cool us down from the hot sun, we have fun in the pool or we can go on canoe rides. One evening out of the week, we go on a hayride during which we sing songs as we ride through the beautiful campgrounds.

Most campers look forward to the night when we have the campfire. At the campfire we sing songs, roast marshmallows and talk.

You think this sounds like fun? Well wait until you have a camp meal. Man, it'll knock your socks off. The camp food is great! The cooks do a marvelous job.

Are you concerned that you're not going to see any one you know? Well, that's exactly how I was the first year I went to camp, but I made some great friendships. All the people at camp are wonderful. Also, they are all just like you - Ukrainian.

If you are age 9-13, you should go to All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church School Camp where you will make friendships that will last a lifetime and return home with wonderful memories.

P.S.: I hope to see you at camp this summer!

A Ukrainian Summer

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 7, 2000, No. 19, Vol. LXVIII

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