Fifteen debutantes presented at Philadelphia Engineers' Ball

by Metodij Boretsky

PHILADELPHIA - The 46th Engineers' Ball of the Philadelphia Branch of the Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America (UESA) was held here on Saturday, February 12, at the Park Hyatt Hotel. This year's ball included the presentation of debutantes, a banquet and a ball to the music of the Tempo orchestra.

After the cocktail hour, Borys Zacharczuk, head of the Philadelphia Branch, opened the event and greeted the guests gathered in the hotel's grand ballroom. He also introduced the master of ceremonies, Stefan Bilyk.

After the formal opening, 15 debutantes and their escorts were presented: Ulyana Lutsiv and Stefan Rey, Natalka Boshko and Danylo Tyshovetsky, Natalya Volchasta and Andrij Kuzla, Natalya Zytyr and Marko Vitvitsky, Adriana Shembel and Andrew Brodyn, Andreyka Matla and Yurij Stawnychy, Alexa Rudakevych and Mychajlo Selyukh, Olenka Bobak and Stefan Ciuk, Oksana Nastenko and Joseph Rusylo, Nadia Bilynsky and Matej Korzeniowski, Ulana Fedorychuk and Markian Dobczansky, Andreya Marushchak and Bohdan Tokarchuk, Natalka Lutsyk and Marko Tomashevsky, Lida Boytsun and Matey Bouadana and Zoryana Mykhajlovych and Andrij Lutsiv.

The debutantes and escorts were greeted by Mr. Zacharczuk and introduced by the master of ceremonies. Mr. Zacharczuk congratulated each debutante and pinned ribbons on them with the assistance of Jaroslava Halaway. Mrs. Halaway, and Marijka and Marusya Cyhan prepared the debutantes for the presentation ceremony.

After the debutantes' presentation, the dinner began with an invocation delivered by the Rev. Yakiv Melnyk. About 350 people attended the dinner, and more than 500 persons enjoyed the dance held afterwards.

The committee that organized the 2000 Engineers' Ball was composed of Mr. Zacharczuk (chairman), Myron Bilas, Osyp Nimelovych, Daria Lysyj, Nestor Smolynets, Volodymyr Horbovyj, Olexander Bilyk, Ihor Kovaliv, Ivan Tymchuk and Evhen Zyblikevych. General control of the event was by Volodymyr Horbovyj, Bohdan Turczeniuk and Metodij Boretsky.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 14, 2000, No. 20, Vol. LXVIII

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