Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus looks to you for the future

by Oleh Mahlay

We do more before nine in the morning than most people do all day. All right, this may be a slight exaggeration, but in some ways it is true. Although its members are scattered throughout the North American continent, the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (UBC) has been able to do more in 12 months than many choirs accomplish in a years.

In 1999 the award-winning chorus celebrated 50 years of artistic work in North America. Over the course of the many years since the group's inception in 1918 members of this ensemble have performed in front of tens of thousands of adoring fans, presenting bandura and male choral music of the highest quality.

The UBC has crossed paths with American and Ukrainian presidents, had adventures throughout the Canadian Rockies, Australia, Europe, Ukraine, left its imprint on unique recordings, and shared the stage with various talented artists such as Paul Plishka, Jack Palance and bandurist Roman Hrynkiv.

In order to achieve even higher goals and greater artistic excellence, we are looking for qualified and dedicated musicians to join the ensemble as we write the new chapters in the rich history of bandurist brethren. The UBC is also looking for singers and bandurists who have the potential and dedication to be part of this unique ensemble that is more than just a singing group. We are committed to the development of young people who have an interest in improving their musical skills while working with the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus.

In the next few years, the chorus is planning a series of sacred music concerts, along with joint concerts with the highly acclaimed Toronto-based Vesnivka female choir. The repertoire for the coming 2000-2001 concert season includes sacred music by masters like Bortniansky, Berezovsky and Stetsenko, and arrangements by contemporary composers such as Lawryshyn, Kytasty and Mahlay.

UBC bandurists will be focusing on the development of the Kharkiv bandura technique. On the horizon is a trip to Western Europe. The UBC last toured Europe in 1958, traversing through England, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. What awaits the chorus beyond that may be up to the new members joining the group today.

The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus will be holding auditions in three major North American cities over the next few months. These auditions will be for musicians that are ready to perform immediately, as well as other singers that lack experience, but have potential and desire. Those interested in auditioning should be prepared to sing or play a song of their choosing, inform us of their musical background, and have adequate music reading skills. Knowledge of the Ukrainian language is preferred, but not necessarily a requirement.

Auditions will be held in the following cities:

If this idea sounds intriguing, and you have the ability and desire, you may ask yourself: "Is it worth it?" I think the answer can be found in the group's history and the artistic accomplishments that we have experienced.

Is it worth being part of an ensemble that has used the greatest stages as portals to see the world? Is it worth being a part of a group growing to uphold high artistic standards? Is it worth meeting and working with talented individuals from around the continent? If the answer is yes, you're ready.

If you are interested, please get in touch with a contact person in the city most convenient to you. If someone you know is ready for the challenge, let them know about this opportunity.

I look forward to meeting you and hearing your voice and/or bandura. (For more information on the UBC, visit its website at

Oleh Mahlay is the conductor and artistic director of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 28, 2000, No. 22, Vol. LXVIII

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