UMANA holds scientific convention

by Dr. George Hrycelak

HUMACAO, Puerto Rico - The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) held its 50th anniversary Scientific Convention on March 25-April 1, in Humacao, Puerto Rico. The UMANA, organized in New York in 1950, regularly offers scientific conferences in a variety of locales, featuring presentations on topics of medical, dental and health-care interest by and for its members and guests.

The UMANA 2000 Conference was attended by 35 professionals along with their families, resulting in a congenial group of 78 registrants who enjoyed not only the tropical weather, but the technical lectures and discussions as well. The venue for this year's convention was the verdant Palmas Del Mar Resort on the southeastern Carribbean coast of Puerto Rico, near the town of Humacao.

The conference opened with a reception on Sunday, March 26, and formal lectures began on March 27. The majority of speakers were UMANA members, and a brisk question-and-answer session followed each presentation.

The following is a brief summary of the scientific program in order of presentation:

Sawczuk, I., "Current Concepts in Biomarker Technology for Bladder Cancer"; Iwanetz B.A., "Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer"; Szeremeta-Browar, T., "What You Need To Know About Ginkgo Biloba"; Hrycelak, M.R., "Vaccine Issues for 2000"; Medwidsky, W., "Skin Cancer Surveillance 2000"; Dykun, R., "Evolution of Otolaryngology Over the Last Century"; Polianska, M., "High Quality Ambulatory Anesthesia"; Voyevidka, I., "Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy for Postmenopausal Women"; Dzioba, R., "Burst Fractures of Lumbar Lordotic Vertebrae"; Gudziak, M., "Geriatric Urinary Incontinence: Assessment and Treatment"; Dale, R.M., "Advances in Psychiatric Treatment of the Elderly."

The lectures were held daily through Friday, March 31, after which a farewell banquet, on the theme "UMANA in the New Millennium," was attended by all of the guests, speakers and participants. Dr. George Hrycelak summarized an oral and visual history of the first 50 years of the UMANA. Dr. Roman Goy, UMANA president, presented a rousing and upbeat assessment of the future of the medical association.

The attendees not only enjoyed professional presentations, but were able to explore the island of Puerto Rico on many side trips. Groups discovered the El Yunque National Rain Forest, the Rio Camuy caves, listened for ET at the largest radio-telescope on Earth at the Arecibo Observatory, and snorkeled among the beautiful coral reefs off the island of Vieques.

The conference concluded successfully on Saturday, April 1. Most participants felt twinges of regret at having to leave the warm Caribbean resort of Palmas Del Mar for more somber weather. The memories of interesting lectures, the camaraderie of new and old friends, and the anticipation of the coming convention fueled member's plans to attend the next conference.

George Hrycelak, M.D., is a member of the board of directors of the Ukrainian Medical Assocation of North America.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 28, 2000, No. 22, Vol. LXVIII

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