Saskatoon's Ukrainian Museum looks ahead to 65th anniversary

by Randy Bodnaryk

SASKATOON - Two new initiatives are in progress at the headquarters museum of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Both are funded, in part, by the Department of Canadian Heritage and Saskatchewan Lotteries.

A series of events in April launched a year to celebrate the museum's 65th anniversary in August 2001. Renovations to the Permanent Gallery will create a Special Collections Gallery to showcase specialized collections housed at the museum and its five branches in Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. Unique provincial or regional collections could also be highlighted. Preliminary design work has been completed by Ken Wilson Architect Limited of Saskatoon.

Estimated costs for the renovations are $30,000. A major fund-raising event on April 8 was dedicated to the Special Collections Gallery and provided the impetus for further fund-raising efforts. Entertainment by Luba Goy from the Royal Canadian Air Farce, Fashions by Savelia of Saskatoon and Ukraine, and a silent auction of over 100 items were enjoyed by a sell-out crowd of 350 persons.

Additional funds are needed to complete this unique project. Donations toward completion of the Special Collections Gallery will be accepted until December 31. Additional fund-raising projects are planned during the anniversary year, renovations will begin as soon as funding is in place.

The Ukrainian Museum hosted its 19th annual museum conference on April 8 with 38 representatives from the headquarters board, its five branch museums and component organizations of the Ukrainian Self-Reliance League of Canada.

Topics of mutual interest were discussed, including fund-raising strategies, program highlights and opportunities for collaborative projects. The conference was part of Phase II of the "New Environs Today Net:Ukrmuse Project," the objective of which is to develop and maintain liaison with branch museums and provincial and national organizations in order to enhance membership, fund-raising and communications.

"Web Page Design 2000" was a workshop offered by the museum on April 7. Twenty-two persons from a variety of Ukrainian heritage organizations from across Canada participated. The day-long event was coordinated by Donna Zaleschuk and facilitated by Doug Lacombe, electronic media manager at the Saskatoon StarPhoenix daily newspaper.

The workshop was the first phase of the museum's second initiative titled "Zustrich/Meeting Ukrmuse" designed to enhance communications among Canadian institutions preserving and promoting Ukrainian heritage. Exposure to the basics of web page development was a major learning opportunity.

An update of the museum's web page in progress ( was presented by Wayne Roman, webmaster, during the museum conference. Phase II, which will develop a pilot electronic network among participating institutions, will be completed in September.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 11, 2000, No. 24, Vol. LXVIII

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