FOR THE RECORD: Statement at U.N. by Minister of Justice Suzanna Stanik

Following is the text of the statement delivered on June 5 by Suzanna Stanik, minister of justice of Ukraine, at the special session of the U.N. General Assembly "Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st Century."

Minister of Justice Stanik delivered her presentation in Ukrainian. Official English language translation of her text was provided by the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations.

Allow me on behalf of Ukrainian women and the government of Ukraine to warmly welcome this important international forum and express our best wishes for the success of its work.

We are entering the new century, the century of humanism and rule of law. Military measures for solving human problems have been fully exhausted. There is a rising need for modernization of the world by addressing the global social and political changes on the basis of generally recognized moral and ethical, as well as legal principles: democracy, human rights, equality, justice, freedom and humanism.

It is not incidental that the first special session of the General Assembly in the new 21st century is devoted to the elaboration of effective strategies for the advancement of women all over the world, the creation of appropriate conditions for their life, the enhancement of their role in political and economic activities. Participation of women in political life is not an end in itself. It is founded on the fact that it is the woman who personifies the civil, moral and human approach to addressing the most complex problems of the modern world.

Five years have passed since the Beijing Conference and gender issues have undergone fundamental changes. The historic significance of the Fourth World Conference on Women is not confined only to the elaboration of strategies of the international community in the sphere of protection and promotion of the rights of women, but also contributes to the creation of a strict mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the set tasks.

Esteemed Mr. President:

With democratic reforms under way, Ukraine believes that equality is the basis for democracy and social justice, as well as for appropriate safeguarding of human rights.

Women make up about 54 percent of the population of Ukraine. Their participation in public life, their experience and intelligence, ability and willingness to work for the well-being of their nation are guarantees for the formation of a democratic civil society.

Ukraine has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, thus confirming the principle of unacceptability of discrimination against women and putting into life the idea of equality of women in all spheres of economic, political and public life.

In Beijing, together with the other member-states of the United Nations, we solemnly undertook commitments embracing advanced national and international practice.

The decisions of the World Conference on the Advancement of Women have been embodied in the social development of our country.

Guided by the provisions of the final documents of the Beijing Conference on Women, Ukraine has elaborated a national action plan for 1997-2000 on the advancement of women and the enhancement of their role in society, as well as a declaration on the general principles of the national policy regarding the family and women.

Under the Constitution of Ukraine the equality of rights of men and women is ensured by providing women with equal opportunities in social, political and cultural activities, obtaining education and professional training, occupation and remuneration, as well as by special measures for the protection of employment and health of women, introduction of pension privileges, creation of conditions that render women the opportunity to combine jobs with motherhood.

For the full realization of these rights Ukraine strives to create a national legislative base that would correspond to international standards in the field of human rights.

The president of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, and the government of Ukraine attach great attention to the issues of protection and promotion of the rights of women.

The president's policy in reforming society is aimed at the revitalization of social relations, realization of constitutional principles, formation of gender culture. The adoption by the president of Ukraine of a number of regulations on strengthening the social status of maternity, on the provision of favorable conditions for women to combine their professional activities with motherhood and have real access to all kinds of activities, equality of rights and opportunities of women and men on the labor market. protection of women's health, raising their legal awareness concerning their rights, prevention of violence against women is a vivid example thereof.

Mr. President:

The activities of public women's associations in forming institutions of civil society and elaboration of the state policies as of today constitute a powerful driving force for solving women's problems. Currently, 29 national and over 200 regional women's NGOs operate in Ukraine and enjoy all-round state support.

At the same time, the present status of women in Ukraine is fully conditioned by the changes being experienced by the Ukrainian state in the process of the development of a market economy and radical changes in its economic and social structure. All the difficulties of the transition period, social and economic hardships, affect women with particular acuteness.

In this regard, our state has great expectations for this forum, which will comprehensively and thoroughly analyze the situation of women in the world, focus on problems that require urgent solution, and elaborate the strategy for further action on the national and international levels. We believe in consolidation of the women's movement in the world. We all understand that today, without invigoration of international cooperation and without creation of the appropriate international environment, we cannot achieve noteworthy successes in the sphere of ensuring rights of women.

Stabilization of the political, social and economic situation in countries and ensuring peace and security in the world to a large extent depend on the posture of women in public life, on their self-consciousness, their world outlook, and attitude toward public and state affairs.

The Beijing Conference made a significant contribution to gender issues, addressed the most acute and important problems of women, and marked the ways for their solution. I am convinced that the final documents of this special session will facilitate this process.

We have one common wonderful home - our planet, the Earth. For the sake of future generations, for the sake of our children, we should and we can consolidate our efforts, we should be wise and strong keepers of our families, our nations, our planet.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 18, 2000, No. 25, Vol. LXVIII

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