Young dancers demonstrate that the show must go on

NEW YORK - This year's Ukrainian Festival on East Seventh Street - the 24th annual sponsored by St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church - may have been marred by, well, not the best of weather, as rain forced a cancellation of outdoor performances - the street festival's centerpiece - on Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, and brought them indoors on Sunday. The spirits of the young performers, nonetheless, remained undamped.

Seen on this page are the members of several Ukrainian folk dance ensembles who performed during the Sunday afternoon program held in the school auditorium of St. George. Most are students of the renowned Roma Pryma Bohachevsky and belong to her dance troupes in New York City, Astoria, N.Y., and Newark, N.J. Rounding out the show were students of St. George Academy, who are instructed by the ever-energetic Daria Genza, with the wholehearted support of Sister Monica, principal.

The dance concert was well-received by an enthusiastic audience of young and old who enthusiastically applauded and cheered each number. It was obvious also that the children and teens who danced that afternoon enjoyed the performances of their peers and proved themselves to be real troupers. The festival's large outdoor stage may have been rendered unusable by drenching rains, but the show went on.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 18, 2000, No. 25, Vol. LXVIII

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