UNWLA jubilee marked by New Jersey Regional Council

NEWARK, N.J. - Festivities celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America began in New Jersey on May 21 at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Newark, N.J., with a liturgy celebrated by the Rev. Leonid Malkov. A jubilee luncheon was held at the Ukrainian National Home in Irvington.

UNWLA New Jersey Regional Council President Maria Polanskyj officially welcomed members and guests, and introduced mistress of ceremonies Ulana Kobzar. The UNWLA prayer was recited by the Rev. Bohdan Lukie.

Before the official program began, Bozhena Olshaniwsky read the greeting received from Ukrainian National Women's League of Ukraine President Atena Pashko. This served to unite "soiuzianky" on both continents and reaffirmed their mutual concern and love for Ukraine.

UNWLA Honorary President Anna Krawczuk was the keynote speaker. Her speech was dedicated to all UNWLA members, focusing on their devotion and dedication to the UNWLA's causes and ideals. Ms. Krawczuk then shared her thoughts about the five most influential women soiuzianky in her life: founder of the UNWLA and Honorary Member of the UNWLA and WFUWO Mary V. Beck; Honorary UNWLA and WFUWO President Lidia Burachynska Rudyk; UNWLA Honorary Member Dr. Theodozia Sawycka; UNWLA Honorary President Ann Rozankowskyj; and, last but not least, her own mother, UNWLA Honorary Member Natalia Chaplenko.

She emphasized that the turbulent 20th century brought not only world wars, and technological and scientific progress, but also revolutionary changes in women's rights in the United States. At least by law, women enjoy rights equal to those of men, but there are still barriers to cross in both the American and Ukrainian America societies.

She called on women recently arrived from Ukraine to join the ranks of the UNWLA and ended with the exhortation: "Let's not forget our daughters, granddaughters and daughters-in-law! Let the two worlds of Ukrainian women - from the United States and Ukraine - join together and lead our organization in the 21st century."

The second speaker was UNWLA Vice-President Maria Tomorug, who read President Iryna Kurowyckyj's speech that focused on the history of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America from its beginnings in 1925 and the humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Afterwards Ms. Tomorug presented citations to New Jersey Regional Council President Ms. Polanskyj and to all branch presidents. UNWLA Vice-President Sophie Hewryk presented 50-year membership pins and certificates to UNWLA Honorary Members Irena Lewycka and Sophie Andrushkiw. Others receiving the award were Zenovia Vorobec, Julia Polanska and Melanie Krywokulska.

Branch photo exhibits decorated the hall along with publications by member authors: Camila Huk (Branch 18), Iryna Dybko Fylypchak (Branch 70), Lubov Kolenska (Branch 86), Ms. Chaplenko and Daria Jaroslawska (Branch 28). Also on display were activity brochures on the UNWLA Scholarship Program by Ms. Krawczuk (Branch 86 and 98) and contest booklets by Olha Trytyak (Branch 86).

A photo exhibit of the UNWLA Scholarship Student Sponsorship Program was presented by Ms. Bilowchtchuk. She also recognized Branch 86 with a certificate of appreciation for having the most sponsors and scholarship recipients in the last 20 years.

Original paintings by UNWLA members Wolodymyra Wasichko (Branch 86), Christina Debarry (Branch 18), Christina Roland (Branch 98), and member-at-large Alexandra Isaievych decorated the hall and were admired by members and guests alike.

After a program that included a performance by pianist Taissa Bohdanska (Branch 28 president) and recitations by Ms. Melnychuk (Branch 24 president) New Jersey Regional Council president Polanskyj presented certificates of appreciation to all past presidents of the New Jersey Regional Council and to members with over 10 years of service in the council's leadership. Social Welfare Chair Katrusia Wolowodiuk recognized Daria Kolatalo (Branch 70) and Julia Polanska (Branch 24) for their work.

At the conclusion of the luncheon, Ms. Kobzar, the mistress of ceremonies, thank everyone for coming and invited them to pose for a group photograph.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 25, 2000, No. 26, Vol. LXVIII

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