UCCA National Executive meets to discuss upcoming convention

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

NEW YORK - The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America National Executive Board held a meeting on Saturday, June 3, at its national headquarters in New York City. The main issues discussed included the upcoming UCCA convention, the feature film about Roman Shukhevych (Taras Chuprynka), the building of a Ukrainian school in Karaganda, Kazakstan, and the establishment of an informational center for the new immigrants from Ukraine.

Regarding the preparations for the upcoming UCCA convention, the chair of the preparations committee, Orest Baranyk, reported that the hotel has been reserved, the menu is being prepared and that the local Chicago UCCA branch is working on collecting advertisements for the convention.

In addition, UCCA National Office Director Tamara Gallo reported that invitations to guests, registration of delegates and reports for the convention book are being handled by the National Office.

The chairman of the Nominating Committee, Evhen Ivashkiv, reported that a slate of candidates for UCCA's National Executive and National Council is being prepared. The top 17 UCCA branches (based on the amount of membership dues collected) have been appointed by the UCCA's treasurer, Mychailo Spontak to be included in the National Council as required by the UCCA By-Laws.

The chair of the UCCA's Awards Committee, Lev Futala, presented two candidates who were approved by the UCCA National Executive to receive the Shevchenko Freedom Award, the highest accolade given by the UCCA, to Natalia Shukhevych and Atena Pashko in memory of their respective husbands, Roman Shukheyych and Vyacheslav Chornovil.

Reporting about the feature film project, UCCA President Askold Lozynskyj stated that all the scenes of the film have been shot and the film is now undergoing its editing process. The sound and subtitles of the film will be worked on shortly. The premiere of the film is slated for the fall. Inasmuch as the UCCA would like high-quality (Dolby) sound and professional subtitles, the UCCA president asked that the UCCA continue fundraising for the film.

With regard to the building of a school in Karaganda, the chair of the UCCA's Council on Aid to Ukrainians, Ivan Burtyk, reported that this project which costs roughly $14,000 will be funded by the estate of Yaroslav and Ivan Parachoniak of Astoria, N.Y. The estate's executor, Yaroslava Rubel, approved this decision and, as a result, the school will be named after its patrons.

Mr. Lozynskyj informed board members that a contractor for the remodeling of the first floor of the UCCA building has been found and a contact signed in the amount of $19,500.

An informational center for the new immigrants from Ukraine is scheduled to open in a few months. Yaroslaw Kernitsky, UCCA board member representing the new immigrants, and Ms. Gallo, director of the UCCA National Office, added their comments as well.

Also on the agenda, Ihor Kushnir reported on his work to bring over the Homin choir from Lviv for a concert tour to mark the UCCA's 60th anniversary.

After the meeting, all those present listened to a speech given by the UCCA president on "Ukraine and the Diaspora, the All-Ukrainian Coordinating Council, Law on Foreign Ukrainians and the Ukrainian World Congress."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 2, 2000, No. 27, Vol. LXVIII

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