Congratulations on "The Weekly 2000"

Dear Editor:

I offer my sincere congratulations on "The Ukrainian Weekly 2000" (Volume I). I could not put the book down because it contains so much interesting material, providing information on events about which we did not know the details.

The book demonstrates how much the previous emigration did to help refugees and to acquaint the American public with Ukraine.

Best wishes for continued success.

Christina Nawrocky
Queens Village, N.Y.

On silencing those with whom we disagree

Dear Editor:

Voltaire stated that "I may not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I was disappointed that Roman Cybriwsky may not believe in Dr. Myron Kuropas' right to say it. Also, I find it disturbing that Mr. Cybriwsky is using certain words without defining them for The Weekly readers.

Mr. Cybriwsky and Dr. Kuropas have a right to their opinions. However, I find that questioning someone does have a responsibility. For example, Mr. Cybriwsky questions the "tone" of his articles. What does that mean? I have no idea. I would also like to see an explanation as to how Dr. Kuropas "alienates" Ukrainian Americans. (In a recent survey, Dr. Kuropas' columns were among the most popular features in The Weekly).

Regarding Mr. Cybriwsky's comment that Dr. Kuropas has "overstayed his welcome," The Weekly does have a wide spectrum of editorials and commentaries. Many of these I do not agree with, but I support their publication.

I believe Mr. Cybriwsky owes Dr. Kuropas an apology for trying to silence him.

Roman G. Golash
Palatine, Ill.

Overwhelming majority support Myron Kuropas

Dear Editor:

I get the impression that there seems to be a concerted effort to discredit Dr. Myron Kuropas for his defense of traditional views and values. Having been a faithful reader of The Ukrainian Weekly for at least three decades and actively discussing various topics, including his "Faces and Places" column with fellow readers in the Ukrainian Metropolitan Detroit community, I can confidently state that the overwhelming majority subscribe to the unchanging traditional philosophy as articulated by Dr. Kuropas.

Leo Cionka
Warren, Mich.

The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed (double-spaced) and signed; they must be originals, not photocopies.

The daytime phone number and address of the letter-writer must be given for verification purposes.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 2, 2000, No. 27, Vol. LXVIII

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