The Batkivschyna sails into New York: a photo report

Photos by Roman Woronowycz

Capt. Dymytrii Birioukovitch
comes onto the deck from the captain's quarters.

Petro Vaschyk, a member of the Batkivschyna crew
as well as of the Kozak Brotherhood of Ukraine,
entertains the crowd on Pier 86 in New York City.


Sailor Serhii Lohachev
secures a sail.


The ship's cook, Leonid Deriagyn,
wears the Batkivschyna's official
sailor's uniform.


Petro Vaschyk with New Yorker
Volodymyr Procyk.
[Photo by Roma Hadzewycz]


Several crew members relax as the vessel approaches New York.


The Batkivschyna approaches the USS Intrepid
alongside which it subsequently docked.


Roy Kellogg, one of the founders of the Discover Ukraine expedition
and the person responsible for land operations, directs the Batkivschyna's
approach in New York as a crowd awaits.


The captain and an assistant track the vessel's
progress to New York on sea charts.


Capt. Dymytrii Birioukovitch with
The Ukrainian Weekly Kyiv Bureau Editor
Roman Woronowycz near the Batkivschyna
docked in New York.
[Photo by Roma Hadzewycz]

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 9, 2000, No. 28, Vol. LXVIII

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