Metro Detroit UACC reports on activity, elects officers

by Jaroslav M. Berezowsky

WARREN, Mich. - The Metropolitan Detroit Branch of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC) held its annual meeting here at the Ukrainian National Women's League of America building on May 4, reviewing its activities during the prior year and electing officers for the upcoming 2000-2001 year.

The Metropolitan Detroit Branch of the UACC, one of the most active branches of that Ukrainian American umbrella organization, maintained its consistent record of community activity during the 1999-2000 year under the energetic leadership of its president, Zenon Wasylkevych.

Like most Ukrainian community organizations in the United States, the UACC's Metro Detroit Branch has suffered from a natural attrition of membership and a frustrating inability to attract a sufficient number of new members to its ranks. Nonetheless, the branch continued its activities with its usual commitment and enthusiasm during 1999-2000.

In addition to regular monthly meetings to discuss community affairs and the annual picnic at the Dibrova Estate, the branch sponsored several major events during the year, including the annual celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day (August 1999), a commemoration of the Great Famine of 1932-1933 (November 1999), a get-acquainted meeting with Ukraine's General Consul Boris Bazylevsky and the presentation of Ivan Kotliarevsky's famous "Eneida" by the Arabesky theater group from Kharkiv (March).

The special guest speaker at the Ukrainian Independence celebration was Bishop Lubomyr Husar of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Ukraine and special assistant to Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky. Bishop Husar, who received much of his theological training and pastoral experience in the United States, shared his impressions of present-day Ukraine. He emphasized the tragic demoralization and spiritual crippling of tens of millions of Ukrainians wrought by 70 years of atheistic communism and their impact on efforts to rebuild Ukraine.

Bishop Husar concluded his address on a note of great hope and optimism, envisioning a much brighter future and a renewal of genuinely Christian and patriotic values in Ukraine.

In keeping with the UACC's long-standing policy of cooperation with the local branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Ukrainian Independence Day, the Famine commemoration and the meeting with Mr. Bazylevsky were coordinated with and co-sponsored by that organization. The presentation of "Eneida" was co-sponsored by Ridna Shkola, the local school of Ukrainian studies.

Officers of the Metro Detroit Branch, including Mr. Wasylkevych and Roma Dyhdalo, also serve on the UACC's national executive and in that capacity regularly traveled to New York City during their term to participate in meetings of the national executive.

The following individuals were elected or re-elected as officers of the UACC's Metro Detroit Branch: Mr. Wasylkevych, president; Ms. Dyhdalo, vice-president; Jaroslav Berezowsky, second vice-president; Xenia Kucher and Roman Lazarchuk, secretaries; Mykola Tataryn, treasurer; Dmytro Fedorko, financial officer; and Michael Berezowsky, press secretary.

Dr. Lyubomyr Baran, Jaroslav Baziuk, Osyp Bihun, Ivan Halych, Valentyna Yevych, Valentyn Kowalsky, Olena Liskivska, Alexandra Misiong, Roma Tobiansky, Dr. Mykola Hryhorczuk and Alexander Palatash were elected as general members of the executive board.

Dr. Maria Baltarowich, Yosyf Postolowsky and Bohdan Serediuk were elected to the auditing committee.

After elections, members engaged in a lively discussion concerning the future plans and activities of the Metro Detroit Branch of the UACC, as well as the upcoming U.S. presidential elections in November.

Snacks and refreshments prepared by the ladies allowed participants to conclude the evening in a festive manner.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 16, 2000, No. 29, Vol. LXVIII

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