Consulate-General in New York commemorates Sovereignty Day

NEW YORK - The Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations and the Consulate-General of Ukraine in New York on July 17 hosted a small reception at the Mission in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Ukraine's Declaration of State Sovereignty. Ambassador Valeri Kuchinsky, first deputy of Ukraine's U.N. Mission, greeted the guests with the anniversary, noting that the declaration, which was approved by Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada on July 16, 1990, laid a legal foundation for the full declaration of Ukraine's independence a year later on August 24, 1991. The guests were also greeted by Acting Consul General Serhiy Pohoreltzev, who introduced Roman Loun, the representative in America of the International Union of Ukrainian Businessmen and president of its U.S. chapter, based in Philadelphia. Stating that the declaration of sovereignty was essential to the next step of indenpendence, on behalf of his organization, Mr. Loun presented the representatives of the Mission, of the Consulate and of the Ukrainian World Congress with framed limited-edition copies of the August 24, 1991, Act of Declaration of the Independence of Ukraine signed by former President Leonid Kravchuk, which are to be added to the archives of these institutions. Pictured above (from left) are Ambassador Kuchinsky; Ronya Lozynskyj, accepting the copy of the declaration on behalf of her husband, Askold Lozynskyj, president of the Ukrainian World Congress; Mr. Pohoreltzev and Mr. Loun. In the photo below are Bishop Basil Losten and Eugene Stakhiv.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 23, 2000, No. 30, Vol. LXVIII

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