PHOTO REPORT: 750,000 participate in pilgrimage to Zarvanytsia shrine

Photos by Roman Woronowycz

The newly blessed Sobor
of Our Lady of Zarvanytsia.

The last groups of pilgrims
make their way down a dirt road to the shrine.

A trio of members of the Plast delegation
participating in the pilgrimage.

Some of the hundreds of thousands of participants of the All-Ukrainian pilgrimage to Zarvanytsia
gathered for the Sunday divine liturgy.

Holding prayer books (from left), Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop
Mykola Enterovic and special papal emissary Archbishop Vinko Pulic
of Sarajevo participate in outdoor services.

A Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest
hears confessions prior to the liturgy.

One of the scores of youths tasked
with distributing Zarvanytsia's water,
believed to have miraculous healing
powers, to the faithful from the newly
constructed taps at the shrine.

Bishops place a relic of St. Josaphat into the sobor's main altar
during a ceremony in the lower church on Saturday.

An elderly woman on the campgrounds adjoining the church
where thousands spent the night.

Young campers relax near their tents
after Sunday liturgy.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 30, 2000, No. 31, Vol. LXVIII

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