Greeting from the UCCA

Greeting on Ukraine's ninth anniversary of independence from the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.

This year the Ukrainian nation will be celebrating its ninth anniversary of independence. After many decades of Soviet Russian oppression and domination, August 24, 1991, has become an important date in Ukraine's history, when the hopes and dreams of many were realized - not only to live in freedom, but in a nation where religious, cultural and economic needs are met.

During this past year alone, many positive steps have been taken, namely the democratic re-election of President Leonid Kuchma, the formation of a reform-minded government headed by Viktor Yuschenko and the reorganization of the Verkhovna Rada, which has led to greater cooperation between Ukraine's branches of government. Furthermore, the year 2000 has seen significant economic improvements, including decisive steps towards land privatization and greater support for Ukraine's national language. On the international arena, at the 54th session of the U.N. General Assembly, Ukraine was elected a non-permanent member of the Security Council for a two-year term beginning on January 1. All these steps assist Ukraine in consolidating its independence and rightful place among the world community of democratic nations.

However, we must not overlook the negative aspects still facing Ukraine or the lack of progress in many areas, including the growth of corruption, the strangling of the free and independent press, and attempts at authoritarianism as illustrated by the April 2000 referendum. Additionally, pervasive Russification prevails and this year has led to tragic results with little government concern.

Although the first nine years of independence have brought many accomplishments - a long road fraught with obstacles still lies ahead. May the Ukrainian people find the strength and courage to implement the necessary reforms needed to establish a free-market democracy and as a result reap the long-deserved prosperity and freedoms that come with independence.

At the dawn of the new millennium and on the ninth anniversary of independence, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America sends its warmest greetings to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, and to every individual who is proud to call him or herself Ukrainian. Glory to Ukraine!

For UCCA's Executive Board,

Askold Lozynskyj, President
Andrij Szul, Secretary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 20, 2000, No. 34, Vol. LXVIII

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