In the words of the author...

When our "Language and Travel Guide to Ukraine" first came out in 1994, my co-author, George Chumak, and I never dreamed that it would go into repeated printings and editions.

Since Ukrainian independence, many Ukrainian-Americans (myself included) have strengthened ties with relatives in Ukraine, while many Americans who never dreamed they'd travel to Ukraine have gone over as part of helping organizations; on educational exchanges; partner city exchanges; to find a wife or adopt a child.

Our book was especially geared to providing those with no previous knowledge of Ukraine with the necessary background information, including history, culture and language.

But our original idea in writing the book has never been more true: Ukraine is a wonderful country to visit for its own sake. I have just returned from a vacation in Ukraine and find it better than ever for tourists!

- Linda Hodges

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 20, 2000, No. 34, Vol. LXVIII

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