U.S. president's greetings on Independence Day

Warm greetings to everyone celebrating the ninth anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

On August 24, 1991, after decades of communist tyranny and oppression, the Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed independence from the Soviet Union, and a new era of freedom began in Ukraine. Today, nine years later, the people of Ukraine are stronger and more indomitable than ever - reclaiming their land, uniting their people, restoring their culture, raising their children in liberty, and building a free, sovereign and independent Ukraine.

I was proud to visit Ukraine again in June of this year, not only to acknowledge its ancient and glorious past, but also to pledge America's support for building a free and prosperous future. Ukraine has much to offer to Europe and the world, and America looks forward to having a strong, democratic and prosperous Ukraine as a partner in meeting the challenges and possibilities of the 21st century.

As we mark this special occasion, I salute the Ukrainian American community for your contributions to the rebirth of freedom in your ancestral homeland and to the historic transformation that is taking place in Ukraine today.

Best wishes to all for a memorable celebration.

Bill Clinton

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 10, 2000, No. 37, Vol. LXVIII

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