Ukrainian Canadian Congress reactivates its Ottawa Office

WINNIPEG - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) has reactivated its Ottawa office as one of the tools in strengthening its national presence.

In making this announcement, UCC President Eugene Czolij noted that the UCC has been building on the work undertaken by the 19th Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians held in Winnipeg in October 1998, and listening to the comments and ideas of the Ukrainian Canadian community on how best to strengthen the UCC presence not only in the national capital region, but throughout Canada.

"Over the course of the last number of months, the UCC has presented detailed policy positions on major government initiatives before standing committees of the House of Commons," said Mr. Czolij. "These opportunities show that as a national body the UCC must always work diligently in order to remain an effective representative of our community."

Mr. Czolij also announced the contracting of Modest Cmoc as director of the UCC Ottawa Office. "Mr. Cmoc has an extensive administrative background, both within the Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian community, and will be a welcome asset to the UCC," said Mr. Czolij.

He also noted that the UCC, through its national board of directors and committee structures, has played and will continue to play, a critical role in representing the Ukrainian community in Canada. This work is multi-faceted and includes such things as policy issues, as well as community support and development, he explained.

"It is through the efforts of the grassroots that the UCC has become a strong national organization and the structures that are created to support these efforts must reflect this," said Mr. Czolij. "That is why the UCC will continue to work in developing the tools and provide the venues for Ukrainian Canadians to explore new and dynamic ways of strengthening our community and ensuring that we remain an effective voice on the national stage," he added.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 10, 2000, No. 37, Vol. LXVIII

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