Ukraine's Olympians get official send-off

KYIV - Ukraine's Olympic team was feted at an official send-off in Kyiv on September 7 that was attended by Ukrainian leaders, including Prime Minister Viktor Yuschenko and Verkhovna Rada Chairman Ivan Pliusch, and sports fans.

Ukraine will be represented at the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, by 239 athletes competing in 26 sports. Also part of the delegation are four Ukrainian members of the International Olympic Committee; four officials of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine; five government officials; seven heads of oblast administrations (who are traveling as honored guests); 96 trainers, doctors, masseurs and service personnel; and 35 "others" (presidents of sports federations, additional trainers, representatives of various sports organizations, etc.). In addition, Ukraine has nine international judges in five sports.

The Ukrainian mass media will have 13 print journalists and 16 broadcast journalists on the scene, along with approximately 45 commentators, cameramen and technicians from UT-1, the government channel, which is planning regular daily coverage.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 17, 2000, No. 38, Vol. LXVIII

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