AN APPEAL: St. John's School seeks support for scholarship fund

by Ksenia Hapij

Most children spend more wakeful hours in school than they do at home. A school, therefore, exercises more influence upon our youth than most adults do. A teacher has the power to ignite interest, to build true spirit and even mold character. A teacher's example may be a greater lesson in life than any book available. A teacher's kind word may heal wounds that might otherwise fester needlessly. A teacher's firm stand may re-focus a young person's life direction and provide a promising future.

Our Ukrainian community has been truly blessed with excellent parochial schools. Throughout the years they have helped foster healthy and positive Christian values, and have perpetuated our beautiful customs and traditions by passing them on to our children - the next generation.

One Ukrainian Catholic school that deserves special mention is St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic School in Newark, N.J. Throughout its 60-year history it overcame many challenges and obstacles and today, rightfully, prides itself on the accomplishments of its hundreds of graduates. St. John's students have consistently excelled at higher institutions and have successfully advanced in their diverse professions.

In the last several years St. John's School in Newark has experienced an influx of immigrant families from Ukraine. Each newly arrived family has its own personal hardship story to share, but with time they all realize the American dream and find, unique places in their new surroundings.

Because St. John's does not accept any students from outside the Ukrainian community, it is not eligible for any government or state funding. Consequently, all expenses are the responsibility of St. John's Parish. Teachers' salaries, insurance, heating, electricity, school equipment, maintenance, etc. are very expensive - over $300,000 annually.

The average public school spends approximately $8,000 annually to educate each student. St. John's manages to provide a superior education for half of that, approximately $4,000 per student, but even this sum is beyond the budget for most families. St. John's, therefore, subsidizes each child by at least $1,000 and asks parents to contribute $2,850 in tuition. Parents of schoolchildren pay for this in one sum or in 12 monthly equal payments.

It is virtually impossible for newly arrived Ukrainian families to pay almost $3,000 per year. Therefore, some generous people in our Ukrainian community have stepped forward with one-time gifts or with monthly donations to defray the cost of their tuition. Thus, the St. John's Scholarship Fund had its beginning!

To be sure, immigrant parents are responsible for a certain portion of their children's tuition. This Scholarship Fund, which helps them pay for their children's education, truly is a major blessing for them!

Those wishing to donate to this worthy charitable venture, may contact St. John's rectory at (973) 371-1356. All donations are tax-deductible. Please make checks payable to St. John's Ukrainian Catholic Church, 719 Sanford Ave., Newark, NJ 07106.

What better way to express one's belief in the lasting future of our Ukrainian community than to be generous toward the education of our Ukrainian children!

Ksenia Hapij is a parishioner of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Newark, N.J., an alumna of St. John's School and the mother of three graduates of that school.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 17, 2000, No. 38, Vol. LXVIII

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