And the winner of the title of Miss Soyuzivka 2001 is...

KERHONKSON, N.Y. - The evening of Saturday, August 12, was warm with a chance of rain showers in the forecast, but that did not dampen the spirits of the contestants running for the title of Miss Soyuzivka 2001.

While parents and friends were providing encouraging words to their favorite contestants, the guests that evening were being entertained by the Dumka Chorus under the direction of Vasyl Hrechynsky. Following the concert, the Tempo Orchestra provided dance music for the assembled guests.

By this time three judges were in the hot seat as they faced the formidable task of asking tough questions of a group of beautiful and intelligent young ladies. The judges were: Lon Staruch, representing the Ukrainian National Association, who asked the girls questions regarding the UNA; Ihor Jadlicky, a member and former president of the Dumka Chorus, who asked general questions about Ukraine and being Ukrainian; and Sonia Semanyszyn, office manager at Soyuzivka, who asked questions about Soyuzivka and the girls' qualifications.

The moderator for the event was UNA Advisor Stephanie Hawryluk, who is also a UNA branch secretary. The judges made it clear that it was not the girls in the hot seat but the judges, who found it both very difficult and very interesting to listen to one young lady after another answer thought-provoking questions with the poise and understanding of women far beyond their years.

The judges had to interview nine contestants and then promptly arrive at a decision. They stated that they wished they could have given each of the girls the top first prize - alas, the contest demands a winner.

After a review of the judges' tally, the winners were announced at 12:30 a.m. - the half-hour delay due partly to the number of contestants and partly to a rousing "Kolomyika" being performed in the hall.

A farewell speech was given by the outgoing Miss Soyuzivka, Maria Loun, and UNA President Ulana Diachuk congratulated all the contestants and wished them continued good luck in their endeavors.

Next came the big moment: the announcement of the runners-up and Miss Soyuzivka 2001.

The second runner-up is Adrianna Rudyk of Yorktown Heights, N.Y., who attends Fordham University on a scholarship and plans to do a semester of study abroad in Argentina. She is an active member of SUM (Ukrainian American Youth Association) and was the mistress of ceremonies for the 2000 summer season at Soyuzivka.

The first runner-up is Dora Nina Pastushak of Richboro, Pa., who received a scholarship and is doing her graduate studies at Temple University in counseling psychology after graduating magna cum laude from Rider College. She is an active member of the Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization and a dancer with the Syzokryli dance ensemble. Miss Pastushak also was a counselor at the dance camp at Soyuzivka.

Miss Soyuzivka 2001 is Michelle Poliwka, who hails from Chicago. She attended Catholic University in Washington on a scholarship, but has now opted to continue her studies in economics at McGill University in Montreal. She is an active member of Plast and the Hromovytsia Dance Group and was vacationing at Soyuzivka when prompted by family and friends to run for Miss Soyuzivka.

Soyuzivka guests might have seen Miss Poliwka during the Labor Day weekend welcoming them to the resort. And, Miss Soyuzivka 2001 promises to greet all with a cheery hello and a smile anywhere you might run into her - Chicago, Montreal or, she hopes, at Soyuzivka.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 17, 2000, No. 38, Vol. LXVIII

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