Chornomorska Sitch swimmers capture 17th team championship

by Omelan Twardowsky

KERHONKSON, N.Y. - Once again the Soyuzivka resort of the Ukrainian National Association served as the "capital" of Ukrainian sports in the United States and Canada. It was there that the competition in tennis and swimming organized by the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada (USCAK) took place on September 2-4.

Despite the inclement weather, thunderstorms, lighting and downpours that raged through the night until Saturday morning, the dark clouds and the fog receded just prior to the start of the sporting events. Suddenly the air was filled with the sound of tennis rackets meeting the ball and the splash of water in the swimming pool.

This year's swim meet was the 44th consecutive USCAK championship - a worthy continuation of a great tradition.

Over the course of the last four decades, the beautiful swimming pool at Soyuzivka has served for Ukrainian swimmers in the diaspora as an exciting arena where youths could display their skills. A few of them were already well-known in the world of swimming, such as Nadia Stavko, many-time champion of Ukraine and the USSR, and a participant in the 1976 Montreal Olympics. It is in the Soyuzivka swimming pool that she finished her career, having won several gold medals there as well.

Ron Carnaugh, many-time U.S. champion and winner of several international competitions, a member of the U.S. swim team at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, also competed at Soyuzivka, where he won three gold medals, establishing USCAK swimming records that still stand.

Other Ukrainian swimming stars also competed at Soyuzivka - among them swimmers with records of excellence in All-American and All-Canadian competitions.

As in the past, this year's USCAK championship was generously sponsored by the UNA, which not only hosted the event, but also funded the medals and the championship trophy.

The UNA's support of tennis players and swimmers was underscored by UNA President Ulana Diachuk in her opening address, in which she encouraged both athletes and organizers to continue this great tradition at Soyuzivka in the years to come.

Similar sentiments were expressed at the official opening ceremonies by USCAK Vice-President Irenaeus Isajiw (substituting for the USCAK President Myron Stebelsky, absent due to illness), by Roman Rakoczy Sr., master of ceremonies and longtime activist of the Carpathian Ski Club (KLK) and USCAK and now co-director of the tennis tournament, as well as by George Sawchak, USCAK tennis director.

This year's USCAK swimming championship featured all-star teams of the sports clubs Tryzub of Philadelphia and Chornomorska Sitch of Newark, as well as those of the youth organizations SUM and Plast. The main rivals, as in the past nine years, have been the rather accomplished swim teams of the two sports clubs.

This time the winners were the Sitch swimmers, who established a new record by winning the USCAK club championship for the 17th time out of 44. The Tryzub swimmers, who can boast of eight USCAK championships, deservedly became the club vice-champions for 2000.

As in past years, this year's competition was effectively prepared and efficiently run by Marika Bokalo, USCAK swimming director. The chief referee was Ivan Makar, while Taras Midzak served as the starter. Record-keeping was done by Christine Prociuk, Alexander Napora and Olenka Halkovych. Maria Makar was the chief timing referee.

Upon completion of the competition, there was a special ceremony for the athletes, where they received their gold, silver and bronze medals, as well as the large club trophy. Ms. Bokalo conducted this concluding ceremony with skill and wit, with the assistance of Ms. Prociuk.

The prizes were presented by UNA President Diachuk, UNA National Secretary Martha Lysko, Messrs. Isajiw and Napora of USCAK, Ms. Halkovych of SUM, Omelan Twardowsky of Sitch and Mr. Midzak of Tryzub.

In a farewell address, the UNA president thanked the athletes and their parents for participating in this year's USCAK championships and reminded them to prepare for the next swimming championships, which according to tradition will again take place in the Soyuzivka pool over Labor Day weekend 2001.

(Translated from Ukrainian by Dr. Orest Popovych.)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 24, 2000, No. 39, Vol. LXVIII

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