Ukrainian National Foundation thanks donors

We take this opportunity to thank all supporters of the Ukrainian National Foundation Inc. (UNF), an affiliate of the Ukrainian National Association Inc. for their donations, which enable the foundation to continue its valuable work in educational, cultural and charitable fields of endeavor.

To date, the UNF has accomplished the following:

All these projects are deserving of your continued financial support.

The UNF was created to help the Ukrainian community and to work within that community. As a supporter, you keep the UNF alive. Thank you for your generous community-minded donations. By your example we hope to inspire others to contribute.

We encourage others to remember the Ukrainian National Foundation before the year's end with their donations. We hope to include many more names on our next list of donors. All donations to the Ukrainian National Foundation Inc. are tax-deductible.

Listed below are all donations received by the UNF from January 1, 1999, through August 31, 2000 (with the exceptions listed in the footnote).

It should be noted that donations received for the benefit of Ostroh Academy were due primarily to fund-raising conducted by Dr. Myron B. Kuropas.

Young UNA'ers

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 1, 2000, No. 40, Vol. LXVIII

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