Royal Society of Canada announces new exchange

MONTREAL - The Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian academy of the sciences and humanities, announce that Prof. Anton G. Naumovets, head of the Department of Physical Electronics, Institute of Physics, Kyiv, will be the next lecturer from Ukraine to visit Canada under the Royal Society of Canada - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) Exchange Lectureship Program.

The inaugural Ukrainian lecturer under this program was physicist Prof. A. Zagorodny, who came to Canada in March 1995. This was followed by the visit of Sherbrooke chemist Prof. A. Bandrauk, fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC), to Ukraine in October 1996, the tour across Canada in October 1997 of Prof. Platon Kostyuk, director of the Bohomoletz Institute of Physiology in Kyiv, and the visit of Toronto physiologist Prof. H. Atwood, FRSC, to Ukraine in November-December 1998.

Prof. Naumovets is a distinguished applied scientist who works in the field of surface physics and physical electronics, including nanophysics and nanoelectronics. He is the author of 150 articles and is fluent in six languages. Prof. Naumovets has served as academician secretary of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the NASU. While in Canada he will give lectures in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Waterloo and London on October 11-20. Dr. Naumovets will also have the opportunity to meet with Ukrainian Canadian groups in these cities.

The costs for this exchange lectureship program are covered mainly by donations to the Royal Society of Canada Ukraine Exchange Fund, which are recorded in the Annual Calendar of the society. The fund-raising committee for this fund is co-chaired by Profs. Jurij Darewych, a physicist at York University and foreign member of the NASU, and Lawrence Mysak, a climate specialist at McGill University.

Tax-deductible donations to the fund help support this program. Donations may be sent to: Sandy Jackson, RSC Financial Coordinator, 283 Sparks St., Ottawa, ON K1R 7S3. For information call (613) 991-6990 or e-mail [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 1, 2000, No. 40, Vol. LXVIII

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