Lieberman meets with ethnic leaders in Ohio

CLEVELAND - The president of the United Ukrainian Organizations of Greater Cleveland, Wasyl Liscynesky, and Andrew Fedynsky, director of the Ukrainian Museum-Archives, met with the Democratic candidate for vice-president, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, on September 20.

The meeting came at the request of Sen. Lieberman, who asked if he could discuss issues with a small group of Ohio ethnic leaders, including members of the Irish, Italian, Polish, Hungarian and Arab-American communities.

In chatting with the group of about 20 representatives, Sen. Lieberman spoke of the pride he feels as a Jewish American and commended the participants for working so hard to preserve their own respective cultures and for maintaining links with the countries of their origin.

America, he said, is a great country that allows immigrants to rise to the very heights without losing a sense of who they are and where they came from. "Anyone of your children or grandchildren," Sen. Lieberman continued, "can become a candidate for vice-president - even president of the United States."

He pointed to Al Gore's foreign policy of active U.S. engagement in the world and touted the campaign's domestic policy programs including Social Security, Medicare and continued prosperity.

Sen. Lieberman also stressed his own European heritage, indicating that he traces his ancestry to Chernivtsi in Ukraine. In a separate conversation with Messrs. Liscynesky and Fedynsky, Sen. Lieberman said he looks forward to further meetings with Ukrainian Americans during the campaign. The Ukrainian representatives encouraged him to continue to support a positive U.S. policy toward Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 15, 2000, No. 42, Vol. LXVIII

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