Hollywood Trident Group learns about Scythians

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - In a presentation preceding the Holywood's Trident Network visit to the Los Angeles Museum of Art to see the Scythian gold exhibit, Dr. Jaroslaw Grod, a history buff who is dean of diagnostics at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, succinctly summarized the significance of Scythian culture. He described the Scythians as fierce warriors who lived during the times of Greece and who had a profound influence on the people of the region that is present-day Ukraine.

Following Dr. Grod's presentation and a delicious brunch, the group made its way over to the exhibit, where a docent described each of the items on display.

As for business matters, the network heard about the further preparations for the film festival in Edmonton, that will feature films by Jack Palance. Upcoming Trident meetings will include visits from prominent Ukrainians in the film industry. A concert in Hollywood featuring a prominent Ukrainian performer is also being considered and more details will be released as negotiations proceed.

Reports of the disappearance of Ukrainian Internet journalist Heorhii Gongadze raised concerns among Trident members, who strongly support freedom of speech in Ukraine and urge authorities there to take whatever steps are required to protect independent journalists and the free press and media in Ukraine.

The Hollywood Trident Network is aimed at facilitating contact among members interested in the entertainment industry. For information contact Andriy Semotiuk, c/o Law Firm of Manning & Marder, 707 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017; e-mail to [email protected], telephone, (213) 624-6900, fax, (213) 624-6999. The Hollywood Trident Network's e-mail address is [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 15, 2000, No. 42, Vol. LXVIII

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