Saskatoon folkloric troupe comes to the aid of needy in Brazil

by Chelsea Shinkaruk

SASKATOON - The Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, recently undertook a most adventurous project: "Brazil 2000, A Millennium of Sharing." An integral part of the project was that Pavlychenko would gain no profits, but would instead give to those in need. After nearly two years of planning, the project came alive on August 16-September 1 when 30 members traveled to the Parana province of Brazil, where an estimated 300,000 people of Ukrainian origin reside.

During the two-week journey through Parana, the ensemble's performances were greeted with emotional enthusiasm by thousands of appreciative people.

Immediately after their flight touched down in Curitiba, the group was escorted to the University of Parana, where a film crew was waiting to record their performance as the subject for a one-hour television arts program that was broadcast throughout the Parana province on August 29. Although they were exhausted from nearly 40 hours of traveling, the dancers passionately and energetically performed such favorites as "Hulianochka," "Nostalgia," "Polka z Bubnom" and the Hopak. Scenes of their dancing were later broadcast nationally as part of a news item.

In Prudentopolis on August 19 the theater's standing-room-only crowd of more than 500, greeted the Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble with thunderous applause. The public was asked to donate non-perishable food products in lieu of admission, and 489 kilograms were collected. The food was given to Asilo Sao Vicente de Paula, a senior citizens' home outside Prudentopolis and to St. Josaphat Ukrainian Parish.

The Pavlychenko troupe performed at two multicultural festivals as representatives of Canada. In Medianera the dancers performed for an audience of 2,500 at the Dansas Folkoricas Festival on August 22. On August 24, they delighted an audience of 500 in Guarapuava, at a festival very similar to Saskatoon's Folkfest, where they performed with a Polish Brazilian dance group and with a troupe of authentic Gauchos (Brazilian cowboys).

The final concert in Brazil was held in Curitiba on August 27, at the Sesc Da Esquina theater. The sold-out crowd of 300, as if electrified, leaped to its feet in enthusiastic standing ovations on a couple of occasions. And here, 596 kilograms of food were collected as admission.

On their last day in Brazil, the Pavlychenko troupe was taken to the Nossa Senhora do Amparo nursing home at Sao Jose dos Pinhais, where the dancers were welcomed by the residents, who, having seen the dancers on TV, sang a heartfelt traditional "Mnohaya Lita." The Canadians were given a tour of the facility and had time to visit with the residents, who then watched tearfully as the dancers carried in the bags upon bags of donated food from the Curitiba concert.

The many sights and attractions visited by the dancers included Iguacu Falls, one of the natural wonders of the world, and the Ukrainian Museum in Curitiba that was founded by Canadian and American Ukrainians.

Paulo Nogas, tour manager and founder of the Dnipro Gold Travel Corp., said at the conclusion of the trip, "The Ukrainian community of Parana congratulates you for your enthusiasm and love of the Ukrainian culture!"

Serhij Koroliuk, the ensemble's artistic director, said: "The outstanding feature of this trip is that, thanks to our sponsors and the dancers' own financial contribution, these young people gave freely of their talents to help other people in another land. Their sole reward was the sincere hospitality and the friendship demonstrated toward us which will be fondly remembered by all. I feel that this trip will elevate the dancers' humanitarian values in a way that is made possible only by the experience that we've had."

Chelsea Shinkaruk, president of the Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble's board of directors, said, "We are grateful to the Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko and our many other donors and contributors who made our journey possible. Throughout the trip, lifelong memories were created. As a result of Pavlychenko's performances, hundreds of kilograms of food donations were made to those in need in the Ukrainian communities and thousands had the opportunity to witness Saskatoon's internationally renowned dance company. The dancers were received everywhere with hospitality and generosity that was second to none. None of the people who took part in this project will ever forget Brazil and its beauty, generosity and the strength of its Ukrainian culture."

In thanks to the community for its support in this momentous undertaking, the Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble brought the project to life again by performing its Brazil 2000 Homecoming Concert at Saskatoon's Castle Theatre on September 16.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 15, 2000, No. 42, Vol. LXVIII

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