St. Andrew's Brotherhood hosts picnic

by Ihor Sawon

SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - The first annual picnic/pig roast hosted by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew's Memorial Church was held on September 16.

It was aunique event in many ways. The wet rainy weather that is the norm for this time of the year relented, turning into an exquisite late summer sunny day. Close to 300 Ukrainians and Americans of Ukrainian descent from 10 neighboring communities took the occasion to make new acquaintances and renew old friendships. Many of the guests traveled to the picnic from communities as distant as Glen Spey, N.Y., Bridgeport, Conn., New York City and Clifton and Lakewood, N.J.

The unusually strong response from various Ukrainian parishes to the mailed invitations was a result of the participation and efforts of clergy, among them, the Very Rev. Bohdan Zelechiwsky, the Very Rev. Michael Zemlachenko, the Rev. Oleh Hucul and the Rev. Deacon Volodymyr Polischuk.

The success of the picnic required still more ingredients, many hours of preparation, hard work and sweat. The response from volunteers was phenomenal and the executive committee of St. Andrew's Brotherhood extended a heartfelt thank you to all brotherhood members who participated in this successful event.

Gratitude for their strong and enthusiastic participation was expressed also to members of St. Mary the Protectress Sisterhood, and to the women of St. Andrew's Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, N J.

With the renewal of this Ukrainian Orthodox organization's activities within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. the picnic/pig roast is only one of many occasions for St. Andrew's Brotherhood to promote a spirit of unity in the greater New York/New Jersey Ukrainian community.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 15, 2000, No. 42, Vol. LXVIII

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