UCC welcomes new Canadian aid to Ukraine

WINNIPEG - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) welcomed Canada's recent announcement of a $4.2 million financial contribution to Ukraine. This announcement was made by Minister for International Cooperation, Maria Minna, during her visit to Ukraine in the last week of September.

"The visit by Minister Minna was truly timely and appropriate as Ukraine embarks upon its 10th year of independence," said UCC President Eugene Czolij. "The Minister was able to see the significant work which has been undertaken by Canadians, with the backing of the Canadian International Development Agency, in order to assist Ukraine."

Of the $4.2 million, $2.7 million will be dedicated to a three-year Canada-Ukraine Legislative Intergovernmental Project, which aims to further the development of effective economic and democratic reforms in Ukraine. The remaining $1.5 million will be attributed to the Ukraine Gender Fund to emphasize the important contribution of women for the betterment of society.

"Canada was the first Western country to recognize Ukraine's independence," said Mr. Czolij. "The minister's recent visit underlines Canada's continued commitment to the reform process in Ukraine."

Mr. Czolij indicated that the UCC would be seeking a meeting with Minister Minna to contribute to the development of further policies and programs that will continue to enhance Canada-Ukraine relations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 22, 2000, No. 43, Vol. LXVIII

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