Canadian professionals plan documentary

OTTAWA - The Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Federation is launching a new initiative: a documentary to mark the contributions of Ukrainians in Canada.

"The purpose of the documentary is to underscore the great work that Ukrainians, in all sectors, have done in Canada. We've made an impact in space, sports, politics, culture and industry, ranging from Roberta Bondar, to Steve Juba and Terry Shewchuk," said Marilyn Dolenko, secretary to the UCPBF and project lead on the initiative.

The documentary is in the early stages of conceptualization. There is need to assemble the funding, write the story and get the networks on side. "There may be three videos of one hour each, or another configuration," explained Kristen Dolenko, the project coordinator. "We are looking presently for funding mechanisms, the executive producer and researchers who will be making these decisions."

UCPBF President Oksana Bashuk Hepburn noted that "There is a great need for a mass-audience instrument of information and education about Ukrainians in Canada. Canadians, including our own people, have a very spotty idea of what we have collectively contributed to this country. The videos will help put the record straight."

An ambitious and expensive undertaking, the project will require the support of the entire community. "The project is too big and too expensive for the UCPBF to do it alone. Our main role is to make sure that the documentary happens. We will be turning to all Ukrainians for help," said. Ms. Bashuk Hepburn.

For further information contact Kristen Dolenko via e-mail at [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 29, 2000, No. 44, Vol. LXVIII

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