Mrs. Lieberman speaks with ethnic women

by Bozhena Olshaniwsky

NEWARK, N.J. - A telephone conference of more than 100 ethnic women took place on Friday, October 20. The 45-minute event was sponsored by the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The main speaker was Haddasah Lieberman, wife of vice-presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman. Other prominent women who spoke during this conference were: Geraldine Ferraro, former U.S. congresswoman from New York and the first woman candidate for U.S. vice-president; Rep. Janice D. Schakowski from Illinois; Rep. Rosa DeLauro from Connecticut; Rep. Nancy Pelosi from California and Chris Wamke from the DNC. Women who were deemed to be leaders of their ethnic groups were invited to participate.

The subjects discussed were the Democratic Party's support for public schools and opposition to vouchers for children who attend private schools; expansion of NATO by accepting more newly independent Central European states in order to prevent and stop ethnic cleansing in the Balkans; support for new legislation to help battered women and prosecution of violators; opposition to the privatization of Social Security funds: and support for middle-class traditions and family values that are the backbone of the nation.

Surprisingly, issues regarding women's issues such as abortions, prostitution and international trafficking of women and children were not discussed. Neither were the subjects of health insurance, drug abuse, the high cost of prescription drugs or care of the elderly.

In conclusion, all speakers encouraged the ethnic representatives participate and vote on November 7 and encourage others also to vote.

The participants invited for this conference were from 27 states. The nationalities represented were: Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, German, Irish, Albanian, Lebanese, Greek, Italian and African.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 5, 2000, No. 45, Vol. LXVIII

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