OBITUARY: Mary Kapral, served UNA for 47 years as secretary of Branch 112

by Martha Lysko
National Secretary

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - Mary Kapral, who was secretary of St. Mary's Lodge (Branch 112) in Cleveland for 47 years, passed away Monday October 9 in Parma, Ohio.

In the 47 years of service to her branch members and the Ukrainian National Association, she organized many members, attended district meetings and quadrennial UNA conventions. However, the needs of her members were always foremost.

The Ukrainian National Association was fortunate to have Mrs. Kapral serve the organization so well for so many years. Even in her last weeks of life she worried about her branch and planned for her successor. She prepared Alice Olenchuk to take her place as branch secretary because she wanted service to her members to remain uninterrupted. Such dedication must be admired.

Two daughters survive Mrs. Kapral, widow of Michael Kapral: Mary Kay Allen with her husband, Bob; and Theresa Bakum and her husband, Steve; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Also surviving are two sisters, Anna Merritt and Olga Hack. The entire family is enrolled in UNA Branch 112.

Funeral services were held on October 14 at St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church; interment followed at Ss. Peter and Paul Cemetery in Parma.

More on issue of direct billing and how it affects our branches

by Martha Lysko
National Secretary

Mechanics of branch billing

In December the branches that are not already on direct billing will be automatically switched to the new system. All members will receive a letter explaining direct billing, a premium notice and a return envelope to the UNA. The system of automatic billing provides for four notices to members: (a) premium notice; (b) a reminder notice; (c) a late pay offer, and (d) a termination notice. The branch secretary will receive an assessment list monthly. This is for information purposes only. We will still rely on branch secretaries to help with collection of any overdue premium payments.

Every secretary will receive a letter that is being sent to all branch members advising them of the change. The letter simply states that all payments are to be made directly to the UNA. In the letter we mention that the secretary is still their main contact and we encourage members to participate in the branch activities. Annually every secretary will receive a listing of members in the branch, as has been the practice. All premiums collected in advance should be submitted to the Home Office prior to going on direct billing so that the secretary will receive full refund of expenses. Please make final corrections to addresses and payer information.

Financial rewards

1. Monthly every secretary will receive a 5 percent commission on all premiums the Home Office collects in the branch. Checks will be issued only if the amount is $25 or more.

2. On new business the UNA will pay 50 percent commission first year and 10 percent second and third year. The commissions for WSP and annuities do not change.

3. Branches will receive money for fraternal activities. Branches holding any activity will receive $5 for every member in attendance. The activity must take place before payment is made. Home Office will authorize payment when the Treasurer or National Secretary receives a bill with a list of member attendees. Branches needing funds to start an activity may receive a small advance.

Branch dues

Many branches have branch dues. To help in the collection of branch dues, the UNA will spend $2,500 making the necessary changes to our administration system. Recognizing the importance of the branches and the need to support them, the UNA will collect branch dues in the Home Office and remit to every branch annually the amount collected. Every secretary must provide us with his or her branch method of dues collection. Those branches that have no dues will not need to do this.

Continuing role of the branch, secretary and fraternal activities

The focus of every branch and branch secretary has to shift from premium collection to branch activity and organizing efforts. The secretary has to become a promoter of fraternal activities. Time spent on collection of premiums can be devoted to organizing and fraternal activities. Some branches already have activities that are annual events. Small branches can join forces and do joint activities. Next month I will list some ideas for branch activities.

Youngstown District organizes picnic for all UNA members

by Eugene Woloshyn

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - The Youngstown District Committee of the Ukrainian National Association on September 17 organized a picnic for all members in the area.

Meetings to plan the event were held by a committee comprising Estelle Woloshyn, Annabelle Borovitsky, Helene Senedak, Kathy Martynyzyn, Helen Koslow, Dmytro Hlywa and Gene Woloshyn.

All area UNA'ers received flyers notifying them of the event to be held in Austintown. Some 80 members attended, enjoying the food and refreshments prepared by district activists.

Following the lunch, members enjoyed renewing acquaintances and playing card games. All agreed that the district should hold such social events more often.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 5, 2000, No. 45, Vol. LXVIII

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