Illinois Chapter of UMANA celebrates its 50th anniversary

PARK RIDGE, Ill. - The Illinois Chapter of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America celebrated 50 years of active existence with a jubilee luncheon at the Park Ridge Country Club, on Sunday, September 24. Over 130 UMANA members and their families attended the gala event amid the verdant country club grounds.

Chapter President Dr. Bohdan Iwanetz formally opened the festivities, setting the agenda for the day. Chapter officers Dr. Taisa Seneczko and Dr. Andrew Browar presided over a memorial reading of the roster of departed members, with a presentation of a bouquet of white roses and lighting of a symbolic lone candle.

Formal greetings were received from the UMANA President Roman A. Goy, as well as longtime Illinois member Dr. Maria Fisher-Slysh, who were unable to attend. General Consul of Ukraine in Chicago Borys Bazylevsky, whose wife is also an Illinois Chapter member, sent his regards. Dr. Ivan Leseiko congratulated the Illinois Chapter on behalf of the Selfreliance Federal Credit Union.

Dr. Myroslaw Charkewycz was presented with a plaque recognizing his achievements as one of the original founding board members. Dr. Paul Pundy, chapter historian and photographer, received both a plaque and a symbolic recyclable camera to commemorate his dedication and involvement.

With guests enjoying a memorable meal, Dr. George Hrycelak, president of UMANA Foundation, conducted a high-tech interactive pictorial review of the history of the Illinois Chapter, from its conceptual origin, through the many educational and social events, with emphasis on past presidents and memorable gatherings as well as current soirées. The review highlighted the productive and progressive stance of the Illinois Chapter, which has served as an exemplary chapter of the UMANA with steadily high memberships rolls and active leadership both locally and nationwide.

Dr. Andrij Ripeckyj closed the formalities with a toast to past achievements and future challenges. A group photograph of all physicians, dentists and pharmacists present was laboriously managed. The afternoon concluded with members and guests reminiscing and recollecting over a display of old chapter photos, and making plans for the UMANA 50th anniversary jubilee in New York on November 4 and the next Council of Delegates to be held in Phoenix, Ariz. in June of 2001.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 5, 2000, No. 45, Vol. LXVIII

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