For The Next Generation

Plast youths rehearse for special presentation of "Jubilee Bonfire"

CLIFTON, N.J. - The Ukrainian community will have an opportunity to not only enjoy Ukrainian dancing at its best, join a sing-along around a campfire and have the "Plast Spirit" transport them into a bygone era, but also to see a parade, on Sunday, November 19.

In the last several months the third floor of the New York City Plast headquarters has doubled as a theatrical stage. Here, Lidia Krushelnytsky has valiantly attempted to transform a group of Plast members from the tri-state area into actors.

However, not all of the performers are apprentices. The lead role of the Plast Spirit will be performed by Lida Prokop Artymyshyn, a veteran of Ms. Krushelnytsky's drama studio. Pavlo Farmiga will appear in the role of Levko, the Plast youth who is captivated by the Spirit.

Over 40 dancers, including Roma Pryma Bohachevsky's famed Syzokryli, as well as the younger New York troop, will lend their talents in telling the narrative of Plast's 50-year history in the United States.

Organizers have also enlisted the musical accompaniment of pianist Andrij Stasiw. To round out the musical extravaganza, long-time Plast supporter Andrij Farmiga, along with his protégés Dora Hapij and Diana Yurchuk, have been rehearsing a montage of songs that Plast members sing at camps.

Behind the scenes, Kriss Izak is completing the stage set, Vlodko Artymyshyn is compiling video footage that will augment some of the scenes, Nusia Denysyk is diligently sewing costumes, and Danylo Sawycky is preparing banners for the parade. Oh, yes, there will be a parade!

This Plast-style Cecil B. DeMille production - titled "Yuvileina Vatra" (Jubilee Bonfire) - is being sponsored by Plast's National Council (USA) and is being overseen by the organizational staff of Zenia Brozyna, Oksana Korduba and Adia Fedash.

Plast wants to share its 50th anniversary celebration with the Ukrainian community. Young and old alike are encouraged to attend the program on November 19 at 3 p.m. at Clifton High School, Clifton, N.J. Tickets are priced at $15 for adults and $5 for children under age 12.

To purchase tickets in advance contact your nearest Plast branch. Bus transportation is being organized by the Philadelphia and New York City Plast branches.

At the opera: a memorable evening with my uncle

by Adrianna Rudyk

BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N.Y. - I sat frozen in my seat as the overture came to a close and the heavy stage curtains rose. Then the powerful figure of the High Priest, Zaccaria, appeared and the first vocal note filled the Opera House. I relaxed when the deep, rich bass enveloped me, as it also did every single member of the audience. It touched our souls, transporting the audience to another place in time. We could not help but be completely involved.

This is the only way I can describe the performance of my uncle, Stefan Szkafarowsky. His artistic talent and professional performance are respected and loved by thousands of fans all over the world.

This summer, I was fortunate to attend the performance of "Nabucco" by Verdi in Santiago, Chile, along with my cousin Alexandra Szkfarowsky.

But, as the saying goes, "All good things come to an end," and so did my trip. My uncle, on the other hand, repacked his bags and flew off to Sâo Paulo, Brazil. He was scheduled to return to the United States for the opening season of the Washington Opera in Washington, where he is appearing in Verdi's opera, "Il Trovatore," conducted by Placido Domingo. He will sing the role of Ferrando, the captain of the guards.

Opening night was on October 28; other performances are scheduled for November 2, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 and 25. I know I won't miss yet another enjoyable and memorable evening at the opera with Stefan Szkafarowsky.

St. Nick's earns trophies in Scholastic Olympics

PASSAIC, N.J. - The eighth grade students at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School attended the second annual St. Joseph Regional High School Scholastic Olympics attended by 28 schools from Bergen, Passaic and Rockland counties. Mark Panczyk (top) received the second-place trophy in math, and Erik Habura (bottom) received the third-place trophy in art. Sister Kathleen SSMI is the principal, and Barbara Solomon is the Grade 8 teacher.


This month's Mishanyna is devoted to the geography of Ukraine and is accompanied by a map of the oblasts (similar to states) of Ukraine. Try your luck at finding the names of 17 of Ukraine's oblasts, and the word "oblast." (You might want to color in the oblasts on the map as you find them in Mishanyna.)

Here's what to look for:

Cherkasy, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Luhansk, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Volyn, Zaporizhia, Zhytomyr, oblast.

Mykola Myshka's Sunday best

Mykola Myshka is wearing his best Sunday clothes. He will be attending services at one of Ukraine's most famous and beautiful churches. This baroque structure in Kyiv is shown on the stamp enfolded in the arms of an angel. Can you name this place of worship? (Hint: It is named after the saint shown on the label on the left.)

Send your answers to UKELODEON. The first correct answer will win a special philatelic prize.

Attention schools:

Want to share news about your parochial school, high school or Ukrainian studies school? Why not send UKELODEON a school profile? Tell us what's new at your school, who your students are, what they are learning, what special programs they are involved in ... anything you think is special about your school.


UKELODEON is published on the second Sunday of every month. To make it into our next issue, dated December 10, please send in your materials by December 1. (Please include a daytime phone number.)

Send in your articles, letters, photos, etc. to: The Ukrainian Weekly, UKELODEON, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, N.J., 07054; telephone, (973) 292-9800; fax, (973) 644-9510; e-mail, [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 12, 2000, No. 46, Vol. LXVIII

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